• I have a class using www.ads-software.com rather than .com this term. In the past (using .com) I’ve simply had them start a new .com site called “yourname_practice” so they could mess around and not destroy the work they’d already done on their main site.

    On .org I’m not quite sure how to do this. They have created their sites on their purchased domains. I’d like to have them change things within the CSS but again, not destroy what they’ve done. It might be that I have them save and then restore? Or is there a practice plugin that would work?


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  • There’s a couple of things you could do.

    In the config.php file, you could change the table prefix, so maybe set it to wp_crap_ or wp_practice, wp_test_

    Then once they are done, they can go back and just change it back to what it was. I just comment out the old table prefix. I do this for client site, so really, it’s all one WordPress site, but I’m just using different tables in the db.

    Another option is to set up another copy of WordPress in a folder or in a subdomain.

    Thread Starter seaphotog


    Thank you so much Christine – this helps. Another friend told me off-line about the second option. I’ll try both and see what is easiest to explain to students.

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