excellent! i thought it dod support G2. the site listed is great in that i used to live near St. Augustine (see his gallery) and in japan!
the forum is cool because i got my username. ??
ok, regarding .htaccess… this is going to be the rub because i did it all with another very popular software (starts with “d”) and the prob for me becomes this:
i run Mac OS X Server (Tiger) as my personal machine.
i will drop all WP files (unpack it) into a site root (a vhost on my machine). i will also drop in a small app called phpicalendar in its own dir. the rub: so far using .htaccess to clean urls will not work when i turn on WebDav for my iCal publishing. remove the .htaccess and Webdav publishes the correct file type to the correct place but no clean urls; turn off Webdav and put in the .htaccess and clean urls work.
turn on both and iCal publishes (prolly has nothing to with phpicalendar at all) a index.php vcal file in the site root, it is supposed to publish a .ics file to a dir inside phpical’s dir, like wise unpublish via ical; and that index.php disappears.
i am not asking for solutions here, not yet. i have never figured it out nor have others even on a fresh Server OS install!
of course if anyone here has seen or heard of this or have ideas do speak up!
thanks all
p.s. i’ll mark tis thread resolved not withstanding the issue i mentioned.