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  • Plugin Author n.showket


    Debra — YOu are not using my plugin. You are using simple paypal plugin.

    Thread Starter debralinker


    That is because I cannot INSTALL your plugin without corrupting the database. So – my question to anyone out there – any suggestions how to install this plugin without corrupting the site?

    Plugin Author n.showket


    Debra — I have logged into your site ( you provided the user name password ) and you are not using my plugin.

    Secondly, My premium plugin needs simple ecommerce to be uninstalled first.
    It clearly states in the delivery email.


    Thread Starter debralinker


    How can this be so hard? 1. I deactivated simple ecommerce WEEKS ago as per your email. 2. I am not using your plugin because I CANNOT INSTALL IT – it corrupts the database. 3. You have been given permissions to change ANYTHING YOU NEED TO to make your plugin work. If if is this hard to just install – and takes WEEKS to get the same answer from you over and over again – I think I should find another solution. Thanks anyway. I’d ask for a refund but doubt you’ll acknowledge that either – so I will consider the purchase of your premium plugin a lesson I needed to learn.

    Plugin Author n.showket


    I think we discussed on the email.
    You have a subdomain way of doing things and your worpdress setup is not correct.

    Happy to help once you sort that out.

    NOTE: Please email me for wpshopcart as this site is for simple ecommerce.

    Kind Regards

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