Hi, @cseevinck.
I’m glad you reached out. I can certainly help you.
Our developers have looked into this, and they have provided a snippet that will resolve this issue:
add_action('wp', function (){
add_action('wp_print_footer_scripts', function () {
$isGiveFormBuilderPreviewMode = isset($_GET['givewp-route']) && 'donation-form-view-preview' === $_GET['givewp-route'];
if ( ! $isGiveFormBuilderPreviewMode) {
}, 9);
}, 999);
Before taking any further steps I highly recommend taking a good backup of the site you can confidently restore from. Having a backup of your site is essential to a solid workflow, and will allow you to restore to a previous version of the site if you run into any issues. You can read more about our top recommendations for taking a backup here: https://givewp.com/backup-for-faster-troubleshooting/.
If you need assistance implementing custom PHP code on your website we have this guide:
Please note that this code snippet is provided as an example of how you can extend GiveWP with code. It’s up to you to implement and customize to your liking. We cannot provide support for custom code on your website, only the code that we create and distribute.
We will continue searching for a more permanent solution, but this snippet will enable you to use GiveWP’s Visual Donation Form Builder while All in One SEO is enabled in the meantime.