Hi shirazwd!
Thank you very much for reaching out.
Unfortunately, we don’t have an option to prepopulate form fields via URL.
We discussed a function like that in the past and decided against it. URLs in emails like that can cause data protection problems. For example, a supporter of yours sends the received email to a friend to sign it. This friend does the same and sends the email to a third person that is not related to the first recipient. That third person would see the prepopulated information too.
I am sorry to have no better news for you. If you have any other question about Civist, feel free to reach out again. You can use our support channel if you like. Usually, it guarantees faster responses. You can find the “Civist Support” button in the right bottom corner of your WordPress main window after choosing “Civist” in the WordPress menu on the left.
Have a great day and all the best from Berlin
Your Civist Support Team`