We’re trying to attain maximum theme compatibility to the best of our ability but with a good deal of themes we’re just not there yet and you’ll need to add a bit of custom code to your theme in order to fix a few areas.
The restricted content page is one of them.
We don’t have a fool-proof method as of this moment, but you can take a look at our guide to Divi Theme compatibility at https://lifterlms.com/docs/divi-theme-compatibility-on-restricted-access-pages/
Basically, the problem is that themes sometime require a good deal of extra markup that we’re not expecting, so you can use some before and after hooks to add that extra markup as your theme needs.
If you’re not interested in doing this yourself we’d be happy to help, there’s two ways:
1) Submit a feature request for compatibility with your theme, we’ll add it to our public feature request board and add compatibility once we have enough requests from the community. This *might* take a while as there’s a lot of themes and not everyone uses the same one.
2) Consider becoming a LifterLMS Pro member and submit a ticket for compatibility with your theme. We’ll take a few hours but we’ll provide you with a compatibility snippet.