• Resolved astromono


    Hi, I just installed the achievements plugin yesterday on a Buddypress 1.7 install. I’m running wordpress 3.5.1 on a multisite, but BP is only active in one subdomain, not across the network.

    I’m trying to create my first achievement, but when I click on the “press here to pick events” area, the placeholder text goes away, but no list shows up.

    At first I thought it was a browser issue, so I switched from using Chrome to Safari, but both browsers present the same issue.

    Anything I’m doing wrong on my end?



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  • Plugin Author Paul Wong-Gibbs


    It works for me, and I’ve not heard the same problem reported so far.

    Do you know how to find out if any other plugins’ JavaScripts are being loaded on the new achievement screen?

    Thread Starter astromono


    Yup, I can use Chrome dev tools for that. Anything in particular I should be looking for?

    Also tried changing the theme just in case, but that didn’t change anything.

    When I type in the “press here to pick events” field I get a “no results match “x” where “x” is whatever I type in the field. It’s as if it’s just trying to do a search instead of showing me the list of available options.

    Plugin Author Paul Wong-Gibbs


    If you type in the field, it DOES do a search ??
    If you leave the field empty, you should be able to scroll down the list.

    Just see what JS files are being loaded so we can see if this idea is accurate or not.
    Also, let me know the path to jQuery that you are including, and if there are any errors reported in the Chrome dev tool console. Thanks

    Thread Starter astromono


    OH, ok that makes sense lol

    Anyways, the only JS files are those of the theme (which aren’t loaded in this case because I’m looking at a wordpress core edit screen) and the JS files included in two plugins:

    1. Genericon’d https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/genericond/
    2. WordPress Achievements

    All other JS is from the WP core in wp-includes and wp-admin. The dev console doesn’t catch any exceptions either.

    Plugin Author Paul Wong-Gibbs


    Not sure then. Can you inspect the element that should contain the list of events, to see if it’s actually got anything in it? If not obvious, I can find out the ID of that element for you.

    Thread Starter astromono


    Yeah, I thought the same thing. I checked and there’s a ul.chzn-choices which only has a single

    • element (the li.search-field).
    • Further below, outside the ul.chzn-choices is the chzn-drop which has a ul.chzn-results in it, but neither of these has actual information in it.

      So weird! Would you like access to my install to check it when you have time?

    Plugin Author Paul Wong-Gibbs


    Prefer to not go into other people’s admin area for liability reasons.

    Here’s what I see in the DOM:

    If you don’t, then the plugin install must not have worked. Does reactivating the plugin fix anything?

    If you can access your server’s PHP error log (or your web host’s support can), it’d be very interesting to have any errors or warnings reported from the way when you activated Achievements.

    Thread Starter astromono


    Well, check this! I went through my error log and found nothing.

    However, I started checking the other sites in my network (the plugin is network activated after all), and they all presented the same problem, so then I tried deactivating it on the network and just activating it locally per subdomain.

    The list was working locally, but only for that site on the network. So then I deactivated the plugin locally and then activated it in the network again. The site I tested this on had the list working still after network activating the plugin, but the others didn’t.

    I had to repeat the process with all my subdomains in the network to finally get it working, but it did the trick! ??

    Thanks for the assistance with this and for creating this amazing plugin!!!

    Plugin Author Paul Wong-Gibbs


    Erm. I’m glad you got it working, but it shouldn’t have had to do that. I’ll test up a test multisite later this week and try to network activate, and see if I can recreate the problem.

    The intentional is for when the plugin is network activated, for the admin screens to only be visible on blog_id == 1, so I’ll check this too.

    BTW, activating the plugin on each site will be very different from running it in network-activated mode.

    Thread Starter astromono


    Hm… now that you mention that the admin screens should only be visible to blog_id==1, I think this is assuming that the blog with buddypress installed in it hasn’t been changed in the wp-config.php

    In my case that wouldn’t be correct, since I added “define ( ‘BP_ROOT_BLOG’, 10 );” to my wp-config so I could change where Buddypress pulls its page info from. Before I did that, I had the issue where I would activate BP locally on subdomain id 10, but all the pages listed in the setting where being pulled from blog_id == 1, which is the default.

    I think it’s neat that I can define new achievements regardless of which dashboard I’m in. For me it makes it faster to manage.

    Plugin Author Paul Wong-Gibbs


    It’s totally not meant to work like this, and I can’t support things breaking as a consequence. I’m going to test the multisite behaviour and correct it if it’s not working as expected when network activated.

    BTW, Achievement’s equivalent of that line is:
    define( ‘DPA_DATA_STORE’, 10 );

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