Site Goes Down and Crashes WP-Admin
Press75 vidley’s theme (and probably most other themes) have an update-notify.php script that makes every wp-admin page unaccessible if the script cannot contact (which was the case in the last 30 minutes as their site IS down:
the log shows
[warn] mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 41
below is the code for “update-notify.php”. what improved error handling structure would you implement to it?
<?php /* Plugin Name: Update Notify Plugin URI: Description: Notifies you when there is a new theme update. Version: 1.0 Author: James Lao Author URI: */ define('UN_UPDATE_URL', ''); add_action('admin_init', 'un_periodic_update'); function un_periodic_update() { $last_update = get_option('un_last_update'); $one_day_ago = strtotime('-1 day'); // $last_update is false if this is the first time running if ( $last_update === false || $last_update < $one_day_ago ) { un_check_for_update(); update_option('un_last_update', time()); } $current_theme = get_current_theme(); $current_version = un_get_current_version($current_theme); if ( $last_update === false ) add_option('un_latest_version', $current_version); $latest_version = get_option('un_latest_version'); $compare = un_compare_versions($current_version, $latest_version); if ( $compare < 0 ) un_display_notice(); } function un_get_update_info() { $response = wp_remote_get(UN_UPDATE_URL); if ( $response['response']['code'] != 200 ) return false; $response = $response['body']; $lines = split("\n", trim($response)); $info = array(); foreach ( $lines as $line ) { $tmp = split(',', $line); $info[$tmp[0]] = un_parse_version_str($tmp[1]); } return $info; } function un_check_for_update() { $info = un_get_update_info(); if ( $info === false ) return; $current_theme = get_current_theme(); if ( array_key_exists($current_theme, $info) ) { $latest_version = $info[$current_theme]; update_option('un_latest_version', $latest_version); } } function un_display_notice() { add_action('admin_notices', 'un_admin_notice'); } function un_get_current_version($name) { $theme_info = get_theme($name); return un_parse_version_str($theme_info['Version']); } function un_admin_notice() { $theme_name = get_current_theme(); ?> <div class="updated fade"> <p>There is a new version of <?php echo $theme_name; ?> available. Please visit the <a href=""> Support Forums</a> for details.</p> </div> <?php } function un_parse_version_str($str) { return split('\.', trim($str)); } function un_get_version_str($v) { return join('.', $v); } function un_compare_versions($v1, $v2) { $v1 = un_remove_trailing_zeroes($v1); $v2 = un_remove_trailing_zeroes($v2); $v1_count = count($v1); $v2_count = count($v2); $count = min($v1_count, $v2_count); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if ( $v1[$i] > $v2[$i] ) return 1; elseif ( $v1[$i] < $v2[$i] ) return -1; } // Compare number of decimal points if ( $v1_count > $v2_count ) return 1; elseif ( $v1_count < $v2_count ) return -1; else return 0; } function un_remove_trailing_zeroes($v) { $size = count($v); if ( $size <= 0 ) return $v; for ($i = $size-1; $i >= 0 && $v[$i] == 0; $i--) array_pop($v); return $v; } // Everything after this point is for debugging. /* function un_admin() { ?> <div class='wrap'> <h2>Foobar</h2> <pre style='background: #eee; border: 1px solid #aaa; padding: 10px;'> <?php un_unit_tests(); ?> <?php $request = wp_remote_get(UN_UPDATE_URL); var_dump($request); ?> </pre> </div> <?php } add_action('admin_menu', "un_admin_init"); function un_admin_init() { add_options_page('Update Notify', 'Update Notify', 8, 'un_admin', 'un_admin'); } function un_unit_tests() { $current = un_parse_version_str("1.0.1"); $latest = un_parse_version_str(""); $old = un_parse_version_str("1.0"); $mid = un_parse_version_str("2.0"); echo "Running unit tests\n"; echo "==================\n"; un_assert("1.0.1 should be less than 2.0", un_compare_versions($current, $latest) < 0 ); un_assert("2.0 should be greater than 1.0.1", un_compare_versions($latest, $current) > 0 ); un_assert("1.0.1 should be greater than 1.0", un_compare_versions($current, $old) > 0 ); un_assert("1.0 should be less than 1.0.1", un_compare_versions($old, $current) < 0 ); un_assert("1.0.1 should be equal to 1.0.1", un_compare_versions($latest, $latest) == 0 ); un_assert(" should be greater than 2.0", un_compare_versions($latest, $mid) > 0 ); un_assert("2.0 should be less than", un_compare_versions($mid, $latest) < 0 ); $v1 = un_parse_version_str(""); echo "Before remove_trailing_zeroes = " . un_get_version_str($v1) . "\n"; $v1 = un_remove_trailing_zeroes($v1); echo "After remove_trailing_zeroes = " . un_get_version_str($v1) . "\n"; $v2 = un_parse_version_str(""); echo "Before remove_trailing_zeroes = " . un_get_version_str($v2) . "\n"; $v2 = un_remove_trailing_zeroes($v2); echo "After remove_trailing_zeroes = " . un_get_version_str($v2) . "\n"; $last_update = get_option('un_last_update'); echo 'Last updated at ' . date('r', $last_update) . "\n"; echo 'Current time: ' . date('r') . "\n"; $latest_version = get_option('un_latest_version'); echo 'Latest version in database: ' . un_get_version_str($latest_version) . "\n"; } function un_assert($msg, $assert) { if ( !$assert ) echo $msg . "\n"; else echo "Passed!\n"; } */ ?>
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