Guten Tag,
ich habe das gleiche Problem. Ich benutze den ersten Shortcode aus dem Backend des Plugins. Wenn ich dann folgende URL einsetzte (API entfernt)
bekomme ich die Fehlermeldung
“Either we got not JSON from the API. Or the basenode parameter is not OK.
Wenn ich die URL in die Adresszeile meines Browser eingebe erhalte ich eine Ausgabe. Was mache ich falsch?
urlgettimeout=”number: who many seconds for loading url till timeout?”
numberofdisplayeditems=”number: how many items of level 1 should be displayed? display all: leave empty”
basenode=”starting point of datasets, tha base-node in the JSON-Feed where the data is?”
oneofthesewordsmustbein=”default empty, if not empty keywords spearated by ‘,’. At least one of these keywords must be in the created text (here: text=code without html-tags)”
oneofthesewordsmustbeindepth=”default: 1, number:where in the JSON-tree oneofthesewordsmustbein must be?”
oneofthesewordsmustnotbein=”default empty, if not empty keywords spearated by ‘,’. If one of these keywords is in the created text, this textblock is igonred (here: text=code without html-tags)”
oneofthesewordsmustnotbeindepth=”default: 1, number:where in the JSON-tree oneofthesewordsmustnotbein must be?”
This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by