• Hey, I’m having some issues with the PrettyPhoto and Elementor Lightbox for the reviews section images.

    If I disable the Elementor lightbox, PrettyPhoto works correctly but after filtering the reviews by stars, the PrettyPhoto lightbox doesn’t work anymore.

    And when I dequeue PrettyPhoto by using a PHP code then when someone clicks on the uploaded images in the reviews for the first click, it doesn’t show anything. On the second click, the Elementor lightbox works correctly. If the first click also shows Elementor lightbox then my issue will be resolved.

    So I’m unable to use any one of the above options because PrettyPhoto is having issues even when I dequeue it. Please help.

    Right now in the given link, the PrettyPhoto is dequeued using the following code:
    function prettyphoto_dequeue_script() {
    add_action(‘wp_print_scripts’, ‘prettyphoto_dequeue_script’, 100);

    I have also added this to the css stylesheet:
    .single-product .pp_pic_holder.pp_woocommerce, .single-product .pp_overlay {
    display: none !important;

    You will see nothing appears when you click on the images in the review section. When you click the second time then the Elementor lightbox will appear.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter Junaid Khan


    I’ve tried using the Enfold theme lightbox but it also has issues with PrettyPhoto. I’ve also tried the “Easy FancyBox” lightbox plugin to see if the issue gets resolved. Even if we disable every lightbox, the PrettyPhoto doesn’t work at some places.

    Plugin Support Alexis Salazar


    Hello there,

    hope you are doing well ??

    Seem that you are using the Premium version of the plugin. In this case, you will need to open a ticket from your account in yithemes.com. This forum is only for the free version from www.ads-software.com.

    Have a nice day!

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