• My site is slow and I’m taking every step I can to improve page load speed. I noticed javascript and css for JW Player is on every page of site, even if player is not being used.

    Rather than loading the javascript and css for player on every page of blog, it would be great to have it conditionally load on posts/pages that only use JW Player.

    It seems that this would speed up a WP significantly, which is critical these days considering so many people are using mobile devices to view sites.

    Any suggestions on how to achieve this? Maybe using enqueue script function in functions.php? Maybe having scripts load based on shortcode embedded in page, etc.

    I’ve seen this mentioned, but have no clue on how to accomplish it myself.

    Thanks for any suggestions.


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  • Plugin Author JW Player


    We don’t really have a built in way to do this, I’m afraid. I don’t know if there is a way in WP to check for specific shortocdes, either.



    I see how it can be achieved by hooking into PHP ob_start() and I bet there’s a way in WP to do it.

    JW Player user: here is a suggested solution https://beerpla.net/2010/01/13/wordpress-plugin-development-how-to-include-css-and-javascript-conditionally-and-only-when-needed-by-the-posts/

    add_filter('the_posts', 'conditionally_load_jwplayer'); // the_posts gets triggered before wp_head
    function conditionally_load_jwplayer($posts) {
        if (empty($posts)) return $posts;
        // use this flag to see if styles and scripts need to be enqueued
        $shortcode_found = false;
        foreach ($posts as $post) {
            if (stripos($post->post_content, 'jwplayer') !== false) {
                // bingo!
                $shortcode_found = true;
        if (!$shortcode_found) {
            // dequeue
            remove_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array('JWP6_Plugin', 'insert_javascript'));
            remove_action('wp_head', array('JWP6_Plugin', 'insert_license_key'));
            remove_action('wp_head', array('JWP6_Plugin', 'insert_jwp6_load_event'));
        return $posts;
    Plugin Author JW Player


    Thank you.

    WordPress certainly does have a way to check wether a shortcode is present:


    Plugin Author JW Player


    Thanks for sharing ??

    Thanks for that snippet, I put that in my child-theme’s funcions.php file and it does indeed remove the jwplayer script files wherever there is not a shortcode in use with the exception of the Home page of my blog – there is still the reference to the cdn-hosted js file in the head. Any ideas?

    No shortcodes are in use on the home page.

    Plugin Author JW Player


    Which script files are being removed if the file is still loading in the head?

    Actually I switched that funcion out and replaced with the following snippet in my child-theme’s funcions.php file. This prevents any JW scripts being loaded except for on single posts and pages – which is the only place on my blog that uses the player.

    function remove_jw_print() {
        if ( (!is_single()) || ( !is_singular() ) ){
                remove_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array('JWP6_Plugin', 'insert_javascript'));
                remove_action('wp_head', array('JWP6_Plugin', 'insert_license_key'));
                remove_action('wp_head', array('JWP6_Plugin', 'insert_jwp6_load_event'));
    			wp_dequeue_script('jwplayer', JWP6_Plugin::player_url());
    add_action ( 'wp_head','remove_jw_print', 3 );
    Plugin Author JW Player


    Ah great, thanks for sharing this.

    Camdoughcat, it should be quite easy to add has_shortcode to the if-statement in your code, so that the code is only ever included when there is an actual video.

    Imho though, this is something the plugin itself should handle.

    Plugin Author JW Player


    The plugin is in need of a re-factor, so this will be one of the things that is addressed when that happens.

    I know I’ve mentioned the same issue in the past on this forum or theirs. It was probably over a year ago, but it looks like the WP plugin is just a not-so-actively supported plugin (still no captions possible for example). Fun fact: in one of their older version (it was somewhere in the JW Player v5 era I guess) of the plugin the JS did only load on posts where the shortcode was used.

    Plugin Author JW Player


    It is true, the plugin is in need of a major update / re-write.

    @ JW Player

    Probably asking a bit much but ‘when’ do you think that might be?

    Plugin Author JW Player


    I’m afraid I can’t give an ETA, sorry!

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