Preview title images from tumblr on WP
Hi Gabriel,
First of all, thank you for your work and time developing “Tumblr Widget”, even more because it is licensed under GPLv2. Nice to know it ??
I supose as most of people want to see as near as possible our page on WP like it is on Tumblr. So I tried POWr Social Feed plugin and put it on this page also tried your “Tumblr Widget”, which is on another page questions is: how can I see on my WP the preview title images, at least thumbnails, as they were taken when I added each link on Tumblr. Tumblr does it automatically (as FB, G+…).
Is it possible? If so, please, tell me how easily because I’m not a programmer, I don’t know anything about CSS (only minimum of minimum) ??
Again, thank you.
P.D.: I tried Tumblr Widget with Widget on Pages plugin as well
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