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  • Thread Starter Andresthethird


    I resolved my issue by looking through all the files in plugins/owl-carousel and I found where to activate and change all the settings.

    In case anyone else sucks with code like me and is looking for the settings they are in js/owl.carousel.js towards the bottom of the file.

    Plugin Author pjehan



    For all the available options, please have a look to this page :

    This shortcode works for me:
    [owl-carousel category=”Promotions” singleItem=”true” autoPlay=”false” navigation=”true” pagination=”false”]

    I find that using the shortcode as you write above does not work either (same as with Andresthethird).

    I tried editing the js/owl.carousel.js file also (in the lines at the end where the options are listed), but no luck there.

    Andresthethird – I wonder if you could post your fix one here please?

    Or maybe the dev can advise similarly?

    Maybe the issue with the short code navigation=”true” is related to the theme used…

    Thread Starter Andresthethird


    Hi deplancy lets see if my info helps. Please remember I don’t know js. so the following is a hackish way to do this but it works for me…
    My shortcode is in a page template called home-page.php
    <?php echo do_shortcode('[owl-carousel category="slider01" items="1" autoPlay="true" navigation="true"]'); ?>

    At first I was stuck and shortcode alone would not work so I did it through this file:

    The options start at line 1454.

    navigation : true,
            navigationText : ["prev", "next"],
            rewindNav : true,
            scrollPerPage : false,
            pagination : true,
            paginationNumbers : false,

    Then I had to open owl.theme.css
    and edited this:

    .owl-theme .owl-controls .owl-buttons .owl-prev{
    	background-image: url(../images/arrow-wt-L.svg);
    	background-position: center center;
    	left: 0;
    	display: block;
    .owl-theme .owl-controls .owl-buttons .owl-next{
    	background-image: url(../images/arrow-wt-R.svg);
    	background-position: center center;
    	right: 0;
    	display: block;

    and in owl.carousel.css i did this:

    	display: block;

    I wanted both pagination and back next buttons.

    I am sure the Plugin Author is cringing when reading this but hey it works and it looks exactly how i wanted it to look so…

    Thanks greatly Andresthethird – will give it a try & report back. much appreciate yr response here, best wishes.

    yep – that works just fine for me also. Thank you

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