Ciprian, I am touched by your effort to consider my personal opinion! I think the lowering of the required version encourages also the ~ 7 % of WP 4.9x users (several millions), as also the users of ClassicPress (several thousands?) to find, and also use everyday this useful plugin.
I hope (yet who can speak of others not knowing them!) that most users do not have hundreds of pages. And who has — then even the smallest font probably could not save them. I myself use sometimes also one-two other plugin with this type of functionality — it depends of the task I need to complete (reordering of many pages for example). To accommodate all (titles of) pages on one screen it is good to to have plugin small font. To change the parent-child relation the bigger font is more convenient. One could not hope to get all the best together!
Probably it could be also useful for You to know about the “market”, I put here the 4 more I know (not included some huge plugins that rebuild totally the admin interface as I also do not have tested those).
* Swifty Page Manager
Has special page with page tree, and uses big font, unfortunately with quite low font/background contrast rate).
Creates consistent row with posts and/or pages tree only in page/post editing screen, and it takes quite a lot of space consistently without toggle/hide possibility.
* Nested Pages
Has special page. This plugin sometimes does not like some others (also Your plugin) to have activated simultanously, then some functionality could break (the reordering).
* CMS Tree Page View
Creates pages and/or posts tree on dashboard and on special page.
As You probably know before: no one of the latter can toggle (show and hide) the pages column. Namely, t h i s is the unique good quality of the Admin Tree Page View.
With best thanks,
Juhan, Estonia