• I want to create a special category, let’s call it “motorcycles” just for the sake of example.

    I want to create a page that will list all posts under the “motorcycles” category on the page. I can get this far.

    However, when the user selects a post from that list to read said post, I want the “previous” and “next” post links to go to the previous/next post in the “motorcycles” category only – I want to exclude all non-motorcycles posts in the previous and next links.

    Is this easy to do and I’m just missing something?

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  • Ok Guys and Gals.. I searched and searched for a solution… BAM… found a solution.

    I am pretty sure this is what is trying to be accomplished. I stumbled on this thread about previous and next post in category.

    Check this plug-in out! It takes it a step further than just categories – it handles – tag, date, author, search etc. It uses a referrer.. Awesome….
    You can see it in action on my site https://www.paperflame.com/content


    Hope this helps if you didn’t know about it!

    Paperflame AND SCRIBU: you made my day. This plugin from Scribu solves my problem.
    To recap:
    When single.php is accessed from index.php: use and keep using “nextpostNOTTRUE”
    else When single.php is accessed from (any)category.php use and keep using nextpostTRUE.
    And that’s what it does. Super.

    Pleeeeease take a lokk my site any body – what are happining? I really dont understandig! Thanks a lot if you know the problem.

    and where is your site? URL please.


    Still works; went from 2.7.1 to 2.8.4 (on my testsite)

    What happens when the post has 2 or more categories assigned. Is there a way to display next and previous specifically for each category.

    Post A is found in Cat 1 and Cat 2

    so in the sidebar would be (below):

    Cat 1
    previous post – next post

    Cat 2
    previous post – next post

    Any ideas? Thanks.

    I’ve installed the Smarter NAvigation plugin and it is working GREAT if the referrer page is a Date archive.

    However, if the referrer page is the Category archive (or search) it doesn’t work at all, and I have no idea why.

    This is my site (still in development):

    Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks!


    What happens when the post has 2 or more categories assigned. Is there a way to display next and previous specifically for each category.

    Post A is found in Cat 1 and Cat 2

    so in the sidebar would be (below):

    Cat 1
    previous post – next post

    Cat 2
    previous post – next post

    Any ideas? Thanks.

    With the Smarter Navigation plugin that is a non-issue, since it will generate links based on the last category page the user came from.

    @ Amberlaine: your site is not accessible at this moment, so I cannot play around.
    “Search”‘ is not a Category, so I think it would never work on search results. It does not on my site, allthough the Readme txt says it does.

    I am surprised you see it working on a Date Archive apart from being able to flip through all the posts in that month or week, regardless of the category they are in. But that is standard behaviour without the plugin.

    You did put ?php previous_post_smart( etc etc in your single.php ??



    I’m trying to use this plugin but I cannot seem to get it to work. Does anyone know what to do??



    Did you replace previous_post_link() with previous_post_smart() in your theme?



    Yep, I did, but no effect ??



    How do you mean? What are you getting?

    Hello Henkholland & Paperflame,
    (if you are still there)!
    This has been so, so useful, but I think I’m missing a small detail.
    I see that using https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/smarter-navigation/ works on your two sites https://www.paperflame.com/content & https://www.enduro.nl but it has to be configured somehow with the theme Atahualpa and I’m not sure how. So far it’s not working for me. I have installed the plugin and put `<?php echo ‘<div class=”newer”>’; previous_post_smart();echo ‘</div>’; ?>
    <?php echo ‘<div class=”older”>’; next_post_smart();echo ‘</div>’; ?>` into ATA->CENTRE COL->THE LOOP (which is the normal single.php on most themes), but if you look at https://travelhorizonstyle.com.au/cat…e-east/turkey/ and then click “Cappadocia & coastal-splendours” the next/prev is not showing all 4 posts (tours), ie (Taste of Turkey) is not displayed at all.
    I have assigned multiple categories to each post (& as the breadcrumb shows).
    When you say:

    When single.php is accessed from index.php: use and keep using “nextpostNOTTRUE”
    else When single.php is accessed from (any)category.php use and keep using nextpostTRUE.

    I’m not sure where to place the “nextpostTRUE”

    This issue will surely help lots of people who assign multitple categories.
    Hoping you can clarify for me.
    Many thanks,

    Hi Joan,

    (stumbled by after upgrading my plugins, not this one),

    I use:
    <div class="containerbottomtextalignleft"><?php next_post_smart('%link', '&laquo; Newer post'); ?></div>

    I am not a coder so I cannot judge yours:
    <?php echo '<div class="older">'; next_post_smart();echo '</div>'; ?>

    The nextpostNOTTRUE etc you quote from me is just a way of rewording the proces; nothing to do with coding.

    Scribu, the plugin author wrote about multiple category assingment: With the Smarter Navigation plugin that is a non-issue, since it will generate links based on the last category page the user came from.

    But, I see what you mean: taste of turky is missing; it skips to Africa

    Going to the post “Taste of Turkey” gives out of category links as does Aegean; the left one should be missing there/being empty because there is no newer one.

    I reckon it is a sub or sub/sub category thing.

    The same happens for new-zealand. The good hits can be accidental, purely date/time related because WP flips through posts normally by date/time but I cannit see this info on your posts. Maybe it does not work at all up till now.
    Try my coding example first. The best test is going to the last post from a category view; then one of the links newer/older should be empty/missing.

    Let’s hope Scribu drops by; apparently you are working with subcategories (I don’t).

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