• Resolved inkthread


    Please, if you wouldn’t mind helping! I am trying to set up a list of price breaks and calculate the price per individual piece. I’ve tried literally everything under the sun — I’ve read every single topic in this forum, everything I could find about Excel formulas… I’m lost! I’m certain this is just me being dumb with IF/AND statements, but if someone could give me a hand, I’d love it.

    total_items is a count of the total number of items someone is ordering. Price_break_XX are the differing price breaks.

    I have tried (as the creator of the plugin, jazzigor, suggested in another topic):

    IF(total_items>24, price_break_24, IF(total_items>48, price_break_48, IF(total_items>96, price_break_96, price_break_24)))

    I have tried:

    IF(AND(total_items>24,total_items<48), price_break_24, no_price_break, IF(AND(total_items>48,total_items<96), price_break_48, no_price_break, IF(AND(total_items>96,total_items<144), price_break_96, no_price_break, IF(AND(total_items>144,total_items<99999), price_break_144, no_price_break))))

    Here is a sample of one of the price breaks: (product_type+print_locations) * .9


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