• To meet the requirements of:

    The prices need to be periodically refreshed. This seems to be why the plug-in is causing API throttling issues for some people as it’s trying to get all these prices all of the time.

    “Further, if the product price is not refreshed every one hour, the displayed price should be accompanied with a timestamp when the price was read.”

    Looking at the default template, it does not comply with Amazon’s own policy as there’s no mention of this date.

    {{#StrikePrice}} <!– The section tag ensures that strike price is displayed only if it is available –>
    <div class=”aalb-250-pa-product-list-price”>
    <!– The section tag for different marketplaces ensures localization of static text. –>
    {{StrikePriceLabel}}: <span class=”aalb-250-pa-product-list-price-value”>{{StrikePrice}}</span>

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