• Resolved Web Expert


    I am having issues with the price range filter. I have added the values to display on left and right part above range field but it generates that code

    <ul class="berocket_aapf_widget  " data-scroll_theme="light"><li class="slider price">
        <span class="left">
            50<input type="text" disabled="" id="text_br_price510197886_1" value="1400.00">5000    </span>
        <span class="right">
            50<input type="text" disabled="" id="text_br_price510197886_2" value="1473.00">5000    </span>
        <div class="slide ">
            <div class="berocket_filter_slider berocket_filter_price_slider ui-slider ui-slider-horizontal ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" data-taxonomy="br_price" data-min="1400.00" data-max="1500.00" data-value1="1400.00" data-value2="1473.00" data-fields_1="text_br_price510197886_1" data-fields_2="text_br_price510197886_2"><div class="ui-slider-range ui-widget-header ui-corner-all" style="left: 0%; width: 73%;"></div><span class="ui-slider-handle ui-state-default ui-corner-all" tabindex="0" style="left: 0%;"></span><span class="ui-slider-handle ui-state-default ui-corner-all" tabindex="0" style="left: 73%;"></span></div>
    </li>    </ul>

    The above code generate twice both labels, so visitor see something like this 505000 505000

    My values were 50-5000


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  • Plugin Author RazyRx



    Please explain what did you want to do.
    Values that you setup uses to display text before and after the values from slider. Your theme hides the values by CSS styles and you see only text before and after this values.


    Thread Starter Web Expert


    I have achieved that by editing plugin but the HTML above is generated by the plugin. It seems wrong… the left span should have only 50 and not 5,000 price and vise versa for right span

    Plugin Author RazyRx


    What has you edited in the plugin to show this text?
    Plugin generates all as needed, but you want something else, that plugin doesn’t have.


    Thread Starter Web Expert


    I am pointing out an error plugin has.
    The HTML I posted above is what plugin generates as code…
    If you see, both span left and span right (prices that must be placed in right and left of plugin) should print but if you check slider.php

    <span class='left'>
            <?php echo $text_before_price ?><input type='text' disabled id='text_<?php echo $filter_slider_id . $unique ?>_1' value='<?php echo $slider_value1 ?>'
            /><?php echo $text_after_price ?>
        <span class='right'>
            <?php echo $text_before_price ?><input type='text' disabled id='text_<?php echo $filter_slider_id . $unique ?>_2' value='<?php echo $slider_value2 ?>'
            /><?php echo $text_after_price ?>

    They print $text_before_price as well on right side and $text_after_price on left side span..
    Check the image below.

    If you are plugin author, I am pointing out a bug

    Plugin Author Dmytro Holovnia


    Hi Seldimi,

    This is not a bug but your misunderstanding of the plugin.
    Values 50-5000 should be taken from the products price. You cannot enter them manually.

    In your case:
    50 – minimum price from all products
    5000 – maximum price from all products

    Both this values are not entered by you but calculated by the plugin from products you have.

    Text before price can be for example ‘$’ and text after the price could be ‘/item’. So as a result you will have $50/item – $5000/item.

    Everything works as it should.


    Thread Starter Web Expert


    OK I may have misunderstood the text right or left… but adding euro sign only i get an image like this

    and code generated

    <ul class="berocket_aapf_widget  " data-scroll_theme="minimal-dark"><li class="slider price">
    <span class="left">
            €<input type="text" disabled="" id="text_br_price1258118394_1" value="1400.00">    </span>
        <span class="right">
            €<input type="text" disabled="" id="text_br_price1258118394_2" value="1500.00">    </span>
        <div class="slide ">
            <div class="berocket_filter_slider berocket_filter_price_slider ui-slider ui-slider-horizontal ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" data-taxonomy="br_price" data-min="1400.00" data-max="1500.00" data-value1="1400.00" data-value2="1500.00" data-fields_1="text_br_price1258118394_1" data-fields_2="text_br_price1258118394_2"><div class="ui-slider-range ui-widget-header ui-corner-all" style="left: 0%; width: 100%;"></div><span class="ui-slider-handle ui-state-default ui-corner-all" tabindex="0" style="left: 0%;"></span><span class="ui-slider-handle ui-state-default ui-corner-all" tabindex="0" style="left: 100%;"></span></div>
    </li>    </ul>

    There shouldnt be product min and max price here? Products are from 1400 to 1500

    Plugin Author Dmytro Holovnia



    As you can see from the code both inputs are generated. The reason why they are hidden are in your theme styles. My plugin is not hiding them.

    If you want real help please provide url to your site where I can check this and tell you what to do to make it work. Support to the visual issues without site link is not possible.


    Thread Starter Web Expert


    I am really sorry but was expecting price range to be displayed as text (that would be printed and the input would be used only for working with AJAX.

    My mistake, it messes up with Bootstrap slider and was hiding them, so I couldn’t see anything. Maybe use a class that wont be overwritten by commonly used frameworks.

    Sorry once more and keep up ??

    Plugin Author Dmytro Holovnia



    Instead of hiding inputs, remove their borders, box-shadow and background. This way it will look same as text. Inputs can be styled but don’t hide them =)


    Thread Starter Web Expert


    Its bootstrap css given through CDN… once more thanks

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