Prices Change on their Own
I have a major problem that I cannot seem to get fixed or find a forum about.
My prices in my Woocommerce store keep changing on their own. It shows a sale, when there is not a sale. It will change numerous items as “sale”, when I have not changed them to sales at all. And it will change a few items to variable items, when they are simple products only. It is not always the same products and it is daily. I cannot find a clear fix for the issue. I have disabled all plugins and kept cache clear, nothing is working. I have made sure all old plugins are gone. Just not seeing how to fix this issue. Can anyone help me get this figured out? This is the only problem I am having right now. It is so frustrating! What am I doing wrong??
- This topic was modified 2 months ago by rockkicker.
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
Hi @rockkicker,
Thank you for reaching out to WooCommerce support. I understand you’re having problems with your products changing prices or converting from simple to variable, this is highly unusual and it would mean something is interferring with your site.
My prices in my Woocommerce store keep changing on their own. It shows a sale, when there is not a sale. It will change numerous items as “sale”, when I have not changed them to sales at all.?
Can you share a bit more details to understand the issue better? For instance, the product you highlight on your screenshot shows it’s on sale for $55.99, down from $58.04; reviewing your site, I find the product priced at the same, $55.99, just not on sale.
Are your products getting their price settings changed, from the regular price going to the sale price and being added to a higher regular price instead? When you have this issue again, can you share a screenshot of the product and expected settings?
And it will change a few items to variable items, when they are simple products only.
Regarding products changing from single to variable, it’s even more curious, as the variable products require further configurations: changing product type, adding attributes, setting those attributes to be used for variations, adding the variations, and setting them up with stock and price. Can you confirm all of those changes are applied? Again, kindly share screenshots of the product settings when the issue happens.
I cannot find a clear fix for the issue. I have disabled all plugins and kept cache clear, nothing is working. I have made sure all old plugins are gone. Just not seeing how to fix this issue. Can anyone help me get this figured out? This is the only problem I am having right now. It is so frustrating! What am I doing wrong??
To learn more, do you manage your products in any third-party way other than the default product add/edit page? Maybe through an API, through imports, through third-party plugins that modify this process in any way?
In the meantime, I’d like to understand your site properly. Please share with us the necessary information below for us to investigate the issue further:
- System Status Report?which you can find via WooCommerce > Status > Get system report > Copy for support.
- Fatal error logs?(if any) under WooCommerce > Status > Logs.
You could copy and paste your reply here or paste it via and send the link here.
Once we have more information, we’ll be able to assist you further.
-OPHere is System Status Report:
WordPress Environment<br><br>WordPress address (URL):<br>Site address (URL):<br>WC Version: 9.3.1<br>Legacy REST API Package Version: The Legacy REST API plugin is not installed on this site.<br>Action Scheduler Version: ? 3.8.1<br>Log Directory Writable: ?<br>WP Version: 6.6.2<br>WP Multisite: –<br>WP Memory Limit: 256 MB<br>WP Debug Mode: –<br>WP Cron: ?<br>Language: en_US<br>External object cache: – Server Environment<br><br>Server Info: Apache<br>PHP Version:<br>PHP Post Max Size: 100 MB<br>PHP Time Limit: 300<br>PHP Max Input Vars: 10000<br>cURL Version: 8.5.0<br>OpenSSL/3.1.6<br><br>SUHOSIN Installed: –<br>MySQL Version: 8.0.33-25<br>Max Upload Size: 100 MB<br>Default Timezone is UTC: ?<br>fsockopen/cURL: ?<br>SoapClient: ?<br>DOMDocument: ?<br>GZip: ?<br>Multibyte String: ?<br>Remote Post: ?<br>Remote Get: ? 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Active Plugins (12)<br><br>Advanced Database Cleaner: by Younes JFR. – 3.1.4<br>Autoload Checker: by Gerard Blanco – 1.0<br>CoBlocks: by GoDaddy – 3.1.13<br>First Order Coupon Manager for WooCommerce: by Ashraful Sarkar – 1.2.2<br>Temporary Login Without Password: by StoreApps – 1.8.3<br>WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery: by CartFlows Inc – 1.3.0<br> Update Manager: by Automattic – 1.0.3<br>WooCommerce Stripe Gateway: by WooCommerce – 8.7.0<br>WooCommerce: by Automattic – 9.3.1<br>Yoast SEO: by Team Yoast – 23.4<br>WP Crontrol: by John Blackbourn – 1.17.0<br>YayMail - WooCommerce Email Customizer: by YayCommerce – 3.5.5 Inactive Plugins (0) Dropin Plugins ()<br><br>db-error.php: db-error.php<br>object-cache.php: object-cache.php Must Use Plugins (2)<br><br>Object Cache Pro (MU): by Rhubarb Group – 1.21.2<br>System Plugin: by – 4.140.0 Settings<br><br>Legacy API Enabled: –<br>Force SSL: –<br>Currency: USD ($)<br>Currency Position: left<br>Thousand Separator: ,<br>Decimal Separator: .<br>Number of Decimals: 2<br>Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external)<br>grouped (grouped)<br>simple (simple)<br>variable (variable)<br><br>Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog)<br>exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search)<br>featured (featured)<br>outofstock (outofstock)<br>rated-1 (rated-1)<br>rated-2 (rated-2)<br>rated-3 (rated-3)<br>rated-4 (rated-4)<br>rated-5 (rated-5)<br><br>Connected to ?<br>Enforce Approved Product Download Directories: ?<br>HPOS feature enabled: ?<br>Order datastore: Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\DataStores\Orders\OrdersTableDataStore<br>HPOS data sync enabled: ? Logging<br><br>Enabled: ?<br>Handler: Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\Admin\Logging\LogHandlerFileV2<br>Retention period: 7 days<br>Level threshold: –<br>Log directory size: 89 KB WC Pages<br><br>Shop base: #97 - /shop/<br>Cart: #96 - /cart/ - Contains the [woocommerce_cart] shortcode<br>Checkout: #103 - /checkout/ - Contains the [woocommerce_checkout] shortcode<br>My account: #101 - /my-account/<br>Terms and conditions: #9 - /refund_returns/ Theme<br><br>Name: TopShop<br>Version: 10.4.0<br>Author URL:<br>Child Theme: ? – If you are modifying WooCommerce on a parent theme that you did not build personally we recommend using a child theme. See: How to create a child theme<br>WooCommerce Support: ? Templates<br><br>Overrides: – Admin<br><br>Enabled Features: activity-panels<br>analytics<br>product-block-editor<br>coupons<br>core-profiler<br>customize-store<br>customer-effort-score-tracks<br>import-products-task<br>experimental-fashion-sample-products<br>shipping-smart-defaults<br>shipping-setting-tour<br>homescreen<br>marketing<br>mobile-app-banner<br>navigation<br>onboarding<br>onboarding-tasks<br>pattern-toolkit-full-composability<br>product-custom-fields<br>remote-inbox-notifications<br>remote-free-extensions<br>payment-gateway-suggestions<br>printful<br>shipping-label-banner<br>subscriptions<br>store-alerts<br>transient-notices<br>woo-mobile-welcome<br>wc-pay-promotion<br>wc-pay-welcome-page<br>launch-your-store<br><br>Disabled Features: experimental-blocks<br>minified-js<br>product-pre-publish-modal<br>settings<br>async-product-editor-category-field<br>product-editor-template-system<br>blueprint<br>reactify-classic-payments-settings<br><br>Daily Cron: ? Next scheduled: 2024-09-19 16:03:09 -05:00<br>Options: ?<br>Notes: 8<br>Onboarding: - Action Scheduler<br><br>Complete: 87<br>Oldest: 2024-09-13 15:42:15 -0500<br>Newest: 2024-09-18 13:38:06 -0500<br><br>Pending: 2<br>Oldest: 2024-09-19 13:38:06 -0500<br>Newest: 2024-09-23 09:00:00 -0500 Status report information<br><br>Generated at: 2024-09-18 14:18:38 -05:00<br>
I am connected through a webhook to my supplier. I did have the supplier as a plugin but I deactivated it. I go on their site to find my products and it uploads product to my site for me. if I need to change the price I do so in my account on their site.
At this time, I have about 10 items showing sale, but they should not have sale prices.
The sale prices showing should be the regular prices.
Hi @rockkicker,
Thank you for the additional details. I’m not finding anything unusual on your System Status Report (SSR) that would make me believe it’s causing this bug. I’m more inclined to look into the Webhook process changing your products’ info.
Have you reached out to your supplier to learn more about this issue?
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