Pricing structure suggestions
I have a couple of suggestions for your pricing structure which may improve your plugin’s marketability.
- Offer a free or rock-bottom priced license for non-commercial or at least non-organizational use.
- Lower the second tier (3-sites) price from $16 to $15.
- Merge the third and fourth tiers (5- and 10-sites) and/or increase the price advantage.
The price advantage between the second and fourth tiers is so small (ranging from 53¢ to only 20¢ difference per site) that you are probably not selling any licenses in those tiers. I recommend replacing the third and fourth tiers with either a flat-rate price (such as $3 per site for 6 or more sites), an “unlimited sites” price, or both.
If you are selling any of the third or fourth tier licenses, ignore the second suggestion. If you are selling a significant number of second tier licenses, ignore this entire topic. Otherwise, consider my advice.
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