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  • Plugin Author Joe Dolson


    Can you provide a link to your site? The first link you’ve provided looks fine; I’m not sure why that wouldn’t be working for you, but it would help to know more about it.

    I just stumbled across this and this is still an issue in the current version. I don’t really mind, I just hid the print view since I’m not planing on using it but for completeness sake:

    This is the link that gets generated:

    Which of course leads to a DNS error, since that domain can’t exist.

    *EDIT: Not sure where this comes from but in chrome I actually get:

    Which, of course, leads to the same DNS error. I just thought it weird that the special characters get converted.

    Plugin Author Joe Dolson


    You’re getting ‘’ in your installation? That’s very strange. The print URL is derived from your WordPress installation’s home URL; I can’t imagine what would cause that to show ‘’.

    Sorry for the late reply. I replaced my domain name, since the site isn’t public yet as there are some legal matters to resolve yet.

    The issue is the missing forward slash between the domain name and the parameters and whatever page you have to call for the parameters to actually work.

    Plugin Author Joe Dolson


    Ah – I think I was mislead by your statement ‘Which of course leads to a DNS error, since that domain can’t exist.’.

    I haven’t been able to produce this yet; I think there’s something I’m missing. Where is this calendar being rendered? Is it on a post/Page, or in another environment, like an archive listing?

    It’s evident that something’s going wrong with the process to build the URL, but it’s not going wrong in my testing environment, as far as I can see.

    It’s on an otherwise empty page. The only page content is the short code:


    I enabled the print link again for now and you can see the site here.

    It’s a volunteer group helping old people and people with dementia and they’d actually like the ability to print the calendar (if they find a volunteer to manage the events) so it would be neat if we can work this out. If not I’ll just create a new page with a short list of all upcoming events.

    Anyway, thanks for the support! If you need anything else from my side just let me know.

    Plugin Author Joe Dolson


    I think this is a problem only when permalinks aren’t enabled. Does this work correctly if you enable search-engine friendly permalinks? Go to WordPress > Settings > Permalinks and pick any other option for permalinks.

    That does indeed work. Thanks for the advice.

    Plugin Author Joe Dolson


    Thanks for verifying – I’ll see if I can figure out why it isn’t working without permalinks enabled.

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