@shortpixel: Actually, it appears you are phoning home and tracking users without consent, which would be a violation of the plugin guidelines.
176 function emr_install_plugin() {
177 $slug = isset($_GET['slug']) ? trim($_GET['slug']) : null;
178 if($slug == 'shortpixel-image-optimiser') {
179 $response = json_encode(wp_remote_get('https://shortpixel.com/h/af/YXA6CHO28044', array(
180 'method' => 'GET',
181 'timeout' => 15,
182 'redirection' => 3,
183 'sslverify' => false,
184 'httpversion' => '1.0',
185 'blocking' => true,
186 'headers' => array(),
187 'body' => null,
188 'cookies' => array()
189 )));
191 setcookie("AffiliateShortPixel", "YXA6CHO28044", time() + 2592000, parse_url(get_admin_url(),PHP_URL_PATH), parse_url(get_admin_url(),PHP_URL_HOST));//30 days
192 /*
193 $spCookie = isset($response['cookies']['AffiliateShortPixel']) ? $response['cookies']['AffiliateShortPixel'] : false;
194 if($spCookie) {
195 setcookie("AffiliateShortPixel", $spCookie, time() + 2592000, "/", parse_url(get_site_url(),PHP_URL_HOST));//30 days
196 }
197 */
199 exit(json_encode(array("Status" => 2)));
200 }
201 }