Hi @hdemirocak,
First of all to make red required abbr invisible for privacy policy please add the following custom CSS code to the Additional CSS.
.ur-frontend-form .ur-form-row .ur-form-grid .ur-field-item.field-privacy_policy .required {
display: none;
To insert a link on a privacy policy checkbox, you will have to use the description of the field and some more custom CSS to maintain the design. Type the description and insert the anchor tag for the text where a link has to be inserted. To maintain the design on the form, please add the following custom CSS to the additional CSS box.
.ur-frontend-form .ur-form-row .ur-form-grid .ur-field-item.field-privacy_policy .form-row {
display: flex;
Hope this helps you out. If there is anything else do write to us.