Hi @robosayar
Do you actually mean you would like to display the “Terms and Conditions” before the registration, where users need to accept your Privacy Policy before the person can register on your site with social login ? And basically you would like to display this in a modal?
If you do, then we will ask that information either on the default login page ( e.g.: /wp-login.php ) or the page that you selected for the “Page for register flow” setting:
and for those pages you can only get after a redirect.
Anyways if you are interested the file where we handle this part you should check this file:
- wp-content/plugins/nextend-facebook-connect/includes/userData.php
Here you can find the codes that are handling the redirects to the corresponding page and the codes which are responsible for rendering the form appearing in that page.
However please note that, as my colleague mentioned we can not provide support for any kind of custom coding and problems caused by custom codes.
Also please note that, if you modify our files, you won’t be able to update the plugin anymore, unless you make the modifications each time after your update!
In that case if you didn’t mean modifying the way we ask the terms and conditions, but you just want to display a warning AFTER the registration has already happened and the user was logged in, then you could user our “nsl_register_new_user” action ( in our documentation you can find more information about our actions and filters: https://nextendweb.com/nextend-social-login-docs/backend-developer/ ), where you could set a usermeta for the user.
Then in other part of your code, maybe in your theme you could check whether this usermeta is set or not.
-If it is, then you could render the codes of the modal and maybe you could delete this usermeta, over ajax later e.g. when the user decides to close your warning.
Best regards,