• Can I make the entire blog private? I.e. allow only users that I have signed up to view the blog?
    This would be very useful in order to use the blog as a colaborative area within a company of distributed co-workers. We could use the blog sort of as a great whiteboard for all members of the team to share ideas and and post items necessary for our workflow.
    Obviously we do not want the public to read our internal stuff.
    So a logon screen that hides the entire blog would be great!
    Can this be done?

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  • Thread Starter everth


    I think I should have said: can we have another privacy level on posts, say ‘internal’ which means that all authors with a level greater min-level can read the posts?
    This way I could have a set of friends and co-workers share a private area where we can read each others posts.
    The current situation where ‘private’ means that only authors with a level greater than your own can read your private posts means that you can not make a ring of equal authors being able to read your posts as it is strictly like a pyramide and you, as the admin can not make non-public posts that you can share with other authors.
    Even if I were to change the current ‘greater than’ into a ‘greater than or equal’ it would work. That means that if I make equal rated accounts for my co-workers we could have a private blogging forum.
    Does anybody know where the magig ‘greater than’ is then I can replace it with a ‘greater than or equal’.

    Thread Starter everth


    Tankxs a lot! What a great blog! ?? PHP forever…..

    Well, sorta…2 minutes. ?? (Just kidding!)
    Another one, in case that doesn’t suit you:
    Registered Only Plugin
    – Bryan

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