• Hello,

    I know this subject has been discussed many time as I searched through the forum. I’m new at wordpress coming from joomla, I would do that in 5min on Joomla but I have no idea how to set this up on WordPress.

    I want my customer to be able to follow the construction of their boat by pictures. This call to private galleries.

    1- The first page of my website (which is only used for this Customer private area) would be the login/resitration page. (same login form as the admin is fine) EDIT : I found the exellent Restricted Site Access

    2- After loged in the customer would see HIS gallery categories, that are specific to him.

    I found some plugin for custom content or lock content for different users but i did’nt find something that will show a whole different website to different users. (maybe there are tutorial to follow ?)

    Thanks a lot for your suggestions !

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