Not a problem David, always more than eager to hear what others may have to offer. Especially if any little tricks can be derived by something I may have done wrong so that in future I do not do it again.
Welcomes any input you may have.
All of my posts went to PAGE NOT FOUND, the website itself did indeed stay intact, am using Traject Theme. My pages stayed intact, but all of the many many posts I had created while actually still there, would only show as PAGE NOT FOUND. These are the steps I did to update wp to 3.1 initially
1. Backed up database as prescribed like I always do via PhPMyAdmin
2. EXPORTED { thank God ! } all my posts and pages with TOOLS from WP to xml file.
3. Turned off ALL PLUGINS
4. Switched to default them ( twenty-ten ) before upgrading automatically
5. Performed UPGRADE AUTOMATICALLY, like I have always done.
6. Upgrade successful message recieved! ( everything seemed fine )
7. Checked my homepage site url << looked ok to me! Still had it at twenty ten
8. Clicked on new posts – PAGE NOT FOUND!
9. Went ahead and activated Traject.
Clicked on posts- PAGE NOT FOUND!
10. Almost threw up.
11. Tried a database restore, no go
12. Has created a new freehosting account so bro in law
can see what I am doing, has created a new database and has installed 3.1 from scratch- has imported pages and posts that I had backed up.
Other than I have to ” tweak ” the theme all over again and install my cufon font, and few other minor extras, it should only take me a few hours to re-create the site for him to see. Once he approves it, I shall just do the same thing all over again on his real server.
While it has been a PITA, because I at least had the good sense to export posts, pages and attachments to XML before upgrading, all is not lost.
When I get it all – redone will post a link.
I have removed the database and the sub-directory wordpress install
from my own site since I no longer needed it because the import worked
on the fresh freehosting site. I was so proud of it, it is beautiful!
Or will be again anyway. I am not a professional, but I LOVE creating wordpress sites for friends and family. Sometimes they pay me a wee fee like I am getting for this one because it is quite involved, but more often I do it for free.