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    The website I am referring to is

    Plugin Contributor Greg Ross


    Check your PHP log for errors.

    You can remove the plugin by connecting to your site through the backend and deleting the wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-statistics

    Once you have access to your admin area, try re-installing wp statistics.


    error msg after upadting WP Statisitics plugin :

    Warning: preg_replace_callback(): Modifier /e cannot be used with replacement callback in C:\wamp\www\24photos\wp-content\plugins\wp-statistics\wps-install.php on line 223

    I have the same problem. Deleted a row of wp_statistics tables, but the website or admin area are still not back. Can you please help me with this? I am not a tech geek, but just a wordpress user whose blog just broke by your update – how can that be? ??

    Fixed it. Will not reinstall plugin however. Too risky.

    Plugin Contributor Greg Ross


    Try removing and re-installing WP Statistics, that warnings shouldn’t cause any problems.

    Hi there,
    Greg, the warning they’re receiving is because of the preg_replace_callback line in wps-install.php, line 223:
    $final_report = preg_replace_callback('/%(.*?)%/ime', function($m) { return $template_vars[$m[1]]; }, $report_content);
    you should remove the e modifier (/im instead of /ime) to prevent it.


    Plugin Contributor Greg Ross


    Thanks gbonvehi, I’ve already committed that change for the next release, but it looks like they’re having a different problem was well. The above change will fix the warning, but the warning won’t stop the site from being displayed.

    warning, same thing here…better make a hotfix or you will lose users

    @greg, indeed the warning didn’t alter site displaying.
    MSg came only right after updating.

    Plugin Contributor Greg Ross


    jrgn: can you check your PHP log for errors?

    Anyone who is having this issue please do the same, look for anything with a “Fatal Error” in it.

    I’ve been unable to reproduce the issue and it seems to be limited to very few users so it is probably something specific to the WordPress installs you have.

    Here is the error message I got. WP Statistics Version = 9.0

    Fatal error: Call to a member function get_option() on a non-object in $HOME/wp-content/plugins/wp-statistics/wp-statistics.php on line 25

    Fatal error: Call to a member function get_option() on a non-object in $HOME/wp-content/plugins/wp-statistics/wp-statistics.php on line 25

    Same…whitescreen’d my site.

    (If you rename the plugin file, and reload the site/admin, the plugin will deactivate, and your site will come back.)

    @greg I think that load_plugin_textdomain should not be hooked into init but plugins_loaded according to

    Ken or karlharshman, try replacing in wp-statistics.php line 33 where it says
    add_action('init', 'wp_statistics_init');
    add_action('plugins_loaded', 'wp_statistics_init');


    PS: This is untested as I’m not having the problem neither.

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