Problem: Change folder on server and lost custom types
Problem: I changed folder site installation on the server and ALL custom types are gone. I have the newer version of wordpress. The categories are perfect, only the post types.
Note: I created a type of post for testing and only it appears. Following log:### Begin Custom Post Type UI Debug Info ###
Multisite: No
HOME_URL: Version: 5.2.4
Permalink Structure: /% postname% /
Active Theme: Jupiter Son 6.1.4Registered Post Types: post, page, attachment, revision, nav_menu_item, custom_css, customize_changeset, oembed_cache, user_request, wp_block, clients, animated-columns, edge, employees, faq, news, portfolio, pricing, tab_slider, testimonial, photo_album, tessste, mkhb_header, mkhb_revision
PHP Version: 5.6.36
MySQL Version: 5.7.21
Web Server Info: ApacheShow On Front: page
Page On Front: Proposal 3 Homepage (# 17050)
Page For Posts: Blog (# 4338)WordPress Memory Limit: 128MB
MU Organizer Plugin: 10.1.1
Custom Post Type UI: 1.6.2
WordPress Maintenance: 1.0.4INACTIVE PLUGINS: (40)
Advanced noCaptcha & invisible Captcha: 5.5
Akismet Anti-Spam: 4.1.2
All-in-One Event Calendar by 2.5.43
All In One SEO Pack: 3.2.7
AMP: 1.2.2
Artbees Themes Captcha: 1.0
Autoptimize: 2.5.1
Classic Editor: 1.5
Content Views: 2.2.0
Content Views Pro: 5.3.2
Favorites: 2.3.1
FormCraft Basic: 1.2.3
Formidable Forms: 4.02.03
Jetpack by 7.7.1
LayerSlider WP: 6.7.6
Master Slider Pro: 3.2.7
Goal Box: 5.1.2
My Above The Fold CSS: 1.3
Ninja Forms: 3.4.18
Ninja Forms – Mautic: 3.1.2
OneSignal Push Notifications: 1.17.8
PHP Compatibility Checker: 1.5.0
Plugin Organizer: 10.1.1
Post Expirator:
ProfileGrid: 3.8.1
Redirection: 4.3.3
Restrict Taxonomies: 1.3.3
Sheet Music Library: 1.2
Slider Revolution: 5.4.8
Smush: 3.2.4
Super Progressive Web Apps: 2.0.2
User Role Editor: 4.51.3
WooCommerce: 3.7.0
WordPress Importer: 0.6.4
WordPress Popular Posts: 4.2.2
WPBakery Page Builder (Modified Version): 5.4.8
WP File Manager: 5.3
WP Mail SMTP: 1.6.2
WP Mautic: 2.2.2
WP Mautic Form Integrator: 1.0.3Post Types:
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