• Resolved kiko1987


    After upgrading Sendinblue plugin interface have changed totally, it is OK, but when trying to connect to my Woocmmerce account the page shows 3 fields, URL, consumerKey
    & consumer secret, and the fields automatically are filled…

    When I clic on ACTIVATE I get the next error: A problem has been detected, please try it again.

    The system fill the fields automatically with my data from Woocommerce API REST so I don’t understand where the problem is…

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  • Anonymous User 18563845


    Got the same problem. also the plugin fails to work with WP Mail SMTP since there is no option to disable marketing mails. Please rollback the old interface and settings.

    I’ve got the exact same problem as kiki 1987. Please advise.

    In my case the connection is working, but i Have this warning ,
    Heads up! WP Mail SMTP has detected Sendinblue – WooCommerce Email Marketing is activated. Please deactivate Sendinblue – WooCommerce Email Marketing to prevent conflicts. Or disable the Sendinblue email sending setting in WooCommerce > Settings > Sendinblue (tab) > Email Options (tab) > Enable Sendinblue to send WooCommerce emails.

    And the tab WooCommerce > Settings > Sendinblue (tab) > Email Options (tab) > Enable Sendinblue is misiing

    Thread Starter kiko1987


    6 days and still waiting, what a shitty support service OMG…

    Plugin Support Dulé


    @kiko1987 do you mind sharing the support ticket number? I’ll check with our plugins support team where this fell through the cracks.


    Thread Starter kiko1987


    @dulé this is my ticket number:



    Plugin Support Dulé


    Thanks, I’ll get back to you asap

    Plugin Support alexisbienayme


    Hello @kiko1987,

    In order to be able to use our Woocommerce plugin, you’ll need to whitelist our IP range and our domain :

    It will build the connection between the Sendinblue plugins and Sendinblue Platform.

    I remain at your disposal for any information.

    Best Regards,



    Same for me. I had to rollback to the last version 2.xxx to make it work again.

    Could you please explain what do you mean by whitelist ? In our server config ?



    Same question here. How do we whitelist it?

    Plugin Support enzonewman


    Hello @rmizrah1 @platoche56,

    there are multiple ways on how to whitelist IP addresses or domains on your site.

    You can change the rules of your site’s .htaccess file (advanced users),
    through your host’s server configuration or third-party-plugins like Wordfence .

    If you don’t feel safe to edit your server’s config,
    you should consult your server’s admin and ask for assistance.

    Best regards,

    To be clear can you explain all that is required for this plugin to work properly ?

    I run a VM on google cloud and functionnality of certain capabilities from wordpress is either blocked and sverely limited for security reasons. I need the full picture to make sure I can modify all config files.

    After the upgrade, this page disappeared.
    For this reason, Sendinblue SMTP conflicts with the default SMTP that sends mail.
    I am interested in whether you will solve the problem? or to look for something else.


    Does anyone have specific instructions for whitelisting domains?

    Wordfence/wpCerber etc allow you to do ip addresses no problem but there is nowhere to add a domain and google searches just send you to whilist ip address pages.


    Plugin Support enzonewman


    @platoche56 For the majority of plugin users, this is not required.
    However, there are exceptions which are mostly related to blocked connections.
    If you need assistance, you can raise a ticket through your Sendinblue account,
    so we can look further into your case.

    Best regards,

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