Sorry for the delay.
Here is the message I get:
Database error see the log files (log files path can be found on Newsletter diagnostic panel)
Here is a typical log report…:
13-08-2017 15:37:20 – FATAL – m: 50.4 MB, u: 1 – Column ‘surname’ cannot be null
13-08-2017 15:37:20 – FATAL – m: 50.4 MB, u: 1 – INSERT INTO wpn3_newsletter
, name
, surname
, status
, wp_user_id
, referrer
, token
) VALUES (‘[email protected]’, ‘username’, NULL, ‘C’, ‘1’, ‘wordpress’, ‘baec013ad9’)
I don’t understand this message at all, but in looking for a solution:
I searched my user meta and there is no field surname.
I searched the newsletter settings and cant find any reference to surname.
The users I have entered in manually dont have a surname field either.
Hope you can help. Thanks.