• Resolved Eddie Nu?ez


    function acm_get_next_cron_execution($timestamp) {

    if ($timestamp – time() <= 0)
    return __(‘At next page refresh’, ‘acm’);

    return __(‘In’, ‘acm’).’ ‘.human_time_diff( current_time(‘timestamp’), $timestamp ).’
    ‘.date(“d.m.Y H:i:s”, $timestamp);


    change time() for current_time(‘timestamp’)

    the correct code is:

    function acm_get_next_cron_execution($timestamp) {

    if (($timestamp – current_time(‘timestamp’)) <= 0)
    return __(‘At next page refresh’, ‘acm’);

    return __(‘In’, ‘acm’).’ ‘.human_time_diff( current_time(‘timestamp’), $timestamp ).’
    ‘.date(“d.m.Y H:i:s”, $timestamp);


    time() is UTC and the parameter $timestamp is not UTC


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  • Plugin Author Kuba Mikita


    Hi syswperu,

    Regarding to track: https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/browser/trunk/src/wp-includes/cron.php#L321 Cron jobs are defined in UTC, not in WP timezone.

    But I got your point. Something must be wrong in this function indeed.

    I’ll get a closer look.

    Thread Starter Eddie Nu?ez


    but your parameter $timestamp is defined in WP timezone () with time_offset

    in main.php

    public function parse_crons() {

    foreach (_get_cron_array() as $timestamp => $crons) {

    foreach ($crons as $cron_name => $cron_args) {

    foreach ($cron_args as $cron) {

    $this->crons[$timestamp + $this->time_offset][] = array(
    ‘hook’ => $cron_name,
    ‘cron’ => $cron,
    ‘hash’ => acm_get_cron_hash($cron_name, $timestamp, $cron[‘args’], (!isset($cron[‘interval’])) ? 0 : $cron[‘interval’])






    then, Why not to use “time()” insted of “current_time(‘timestamp’)”? into:

    return __(‘In’, ‘acm’).’ ‘.human_time_diff( current_time(‘timestamp’), $timestamp ).’
    ‘.date(“d.m.Y H:i:s”, $timestamp);

    Plugin Author Kuba Mikita


    Well, I’ve tested it through and it’s working fine.


    if ($timestamp - time() <= 0)


    return __('In', 'acm').' '.human_time_diff( current_time('timestamp'), $timestamp ).'<br>'.date("d.m.Y H:i:s", $timestamp);

    are ok.

    Please remember that it’s basing on the current timezone set in WordPress General Settings not your system time.

    Maybe you could give me example of your settings and prove that plugin is not counting it correctly?

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