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  • Plugin Contributor Salvatore Fresta


    Hi @3dmodelfree ,
    are you sure it is a conflict with this plugin? Please try to exclude the products page to test.

    Go to Cache tab and add /product/* as value for the option Prevent the following URIs to be cached.

    Save and purge the cache.

    Let me know when done

    What if I want just one post not cached using “cache all.” But only standard Cloudflare cache. Without using exclude url “Prevent the following URIs to be cached”.

    I’m thinking some kind check box at post page editor.
    [v] don’t cache
    [v] use standard cahce

    Is it possible?

    Plugin Contributor Salvatore Fresta


    Hi @omega8719 ,
    there is already this option. Set to No the option Disable metaboxes on single pages and posts you find on Other tab and for every WordPress posts you fill find a box from where you can exclude it from the cache.

    Thread Starter 3dmodelfree


    I think, you are right @salvatorefresta torefresta this was not due to this plugin directly, but as I am seeing js and css are nor served from cloudflare, maybe this causes this problem.
    BTW, I was wondering if cloudflare cache css and js in “cache everything” setting of your plugin?
    thanks for the great plugins.

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