problem lesson complete
Hi, I’m having trouble completing the lessons.
I have several users who have reported to me that despite having completed a module of a course, they found themselves starting from scratch.
This morning, the account manager of the platform, for a second course, where he is manually declaring the completed lessons, informed me that all the students in the course, appear as if they have not done any lessons.
What can it depend on? Have you encountered such anomalies with the latest version of lifter lms? Thanks
We’re sorry to hear you’re having issues.
This could be a two fold issue, or hopefully a very simple one.
The first, is if lessons do not have a mark complete button on them they will not be marked off. Is it possible these buttons have been removed somehow?
The other issue could be a caching issue. There are two places this would be occurring. The first, on the backend would be the data caching in LifterLMS to make sure your reporting screens are loading with efficiency. To clear this cache you’ll want to go into LifterLMS->Status->Tools and Utilities and use the Clear Student Reporting Cache.
Once you do this, if the students courses then show up as completed then there is caching on the front end of the site. This can come from the server end or from a caching plugin. Do you know if this kind of plugin is active on your site?
If not, please provide us with your LifterLMS System Report: and we’ll be happy to take a look for you!
Let us know if you have any questions on finding any of this information!
All the best,
I have reset the cache from the backend, however the students have a percentage of 25% of the course completed, but the single lessons are incomplete.
System report:
WordPress ------------------------------------------- Home Url: Site Url: Login Url: Version: 5.8.1 Debug Mode: No Debug Log: No Debug Display: Yes Locale: it_IT Multisite: Yes Page For Posts: Not Set Page On Front: Home (#104) [] Permalink Structure: /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/ Show On Front: page Wp Cron: Yes Settings ------------------------------------------- Version: 5.2.1 Db Version: 5.1.0 Course Catalog: Catalogo Corsi (#106) [] Membership Catalog: Catalogo Membership (#107) [] Student Dashboard: Bacheca (#109) [] Checkout Page: Acquisti (#108) [] Course Catalog Per Page: 9 Course Catalog Sorting: menu_order,ASC Membership Catalog Per Page: 9 Membership Catalog Sorting: menu_order,ASC Site Membership: Not Set Courses Endpoint: my-courses Edit Endpoint: edit-account Lost Password Endpoint: lost-password Vouchers Endpoint: redeem-voucher Autogenerate Username: yes Password Strength Meter: yes Minimum Password Strength: strong Terms Required: no Terms Page: Privacy policy (#105) [] Checkout Names: required Checkout Address: required Checkout Phone: optional Checkout Email Confirmation: yes Open Registration: yes Registration Names: required Registration Address: required Registration Phone: hidden Registration Voucher: hidden Registration Email Confirmation: no Account Names: required Account Address: required Account Phone: optional Account Email Confirmation: yes Confirmation Endpoint: confirm-payment Force Ssl Checkout: no Country: IT Currency: EUR Currency Position: left Thousand Separator: , Decimal Separator: . Decimals: 2 Trim Zero Decimals: no Recurring Payments: yes Email From Address: [email protected] Email From Name: ECM Fincopp FAD Email Footer Text: Email Header Image: Cert Bg Width: 1024 Cert Bg Height: 768 Cert Legacy Compat: yes Constants ------------------------------------------- LLMS_REMOVE_ALL_DATA: undefined LLMS_REST_DISABLE: undefined LLMS_SITE_FEATURE_RECURRING_PAYMENTS: undefined LLMS_SITE_IS_CLONE: undefined Gateways ------------------------------------------- Manuale: Enabled Manuale Logging: no Manuale Order: 1 Server ------------------------------------------- Mysql Version: 5.7.26 Php Curl: Yes Php Default Timezone: UTC Php Fsockopen: Yes Php Max Input Vars: 10000 Php Max Upload Size: 1 MB Php Memory Limit: 640M Php Post Max Size: 300M Php Soap: Yes Php Suhosin: No Php Time Limt: 60 Php Version: 7.3.31 Software: Apache Wp Memory Limit: 640M Browser ------------------------------------------- HTTP USER AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:92.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/92.0 Theme ------------------------------------------- Name: FAD Aistom-Fincopp Version: Themeuri: Authoruri: Template: oceanwp Child Theme: Yes Llms Support: No Plugins ------------------------------------------- Child Theme Configurator: 2.5.8 Classic Editor: 1.6.2 Contact Form 7: 5.4.2 Disable Comments: 2.1.2 Elementor: 3.4.2 Elementor Pro: 3.2.2 Export User Data: 2.1.3 Flamingo: 2.2.2 LegalBlink Policy: 1.0.2 LifterLMS: 5.2.1 Ocean Extra: 1.8.0 Random Quiz Generator for LifterLMS: 1.0.2 Redirection for Contact Form 7: 2.3.5 Video Conferencing with Zoom: 3.8.12 WordPress Importer: 0.7 WP Activity Log: 4.3.2 Integrations ------------------------------------------- BbPress: No BuddyPress: No Template Overrides ------------------------------------------- content-certificate.php (ver: 4.21.0): /home/clients/b54d876209d23e3d0fcafd57d309feb6/sites/ (ver: 4.5.0) course/complete-lesson-link.php (ver: 3.33.0): /home/clients/b54d876209d23e3d0fcafd57d309feb6/sites/ (ver: 3.33.0) course/lesson-preview.php (ver: 4.4.0): /home/clients/b54d876209d23e3d0fcafd57d309feb6/sites/ (ver: 4.4.0) course/outline-list-small.php (ver: 3.19.2): /home/clients/b54d876209d23e3d0fcafd57d309feb6/sites/ (ver: 3.19.2) loop/content.php (ver: 3.14.0): /home/clients/b54d876209d23e3d0fcafd57d309feb6/sites/ (ver: 3.14.0) loop/loop-start.php (ver: 3.0.0): /home/clients/b54d876209d23e3d0fcafd57d309feb6/sites/ (ver: 3.0.0) myaccount/my-grades.php (ver: 3.24.0): /home/clients/b54d876209d23e3d0fcafd57d309feb6/sites/ (ver: 3.24.0) myaccount/navigation.php (ver: 3.17.5): /home/clients/b54d876209d23e3d0fcafd57d309feb6/sites/ (ver: 3.17.5) quiz/meta-information.php (ver: 4.17.0): /home/clients/b54d876209d23e3d0fcafd57d309feb6/sites/ (ver: 4.17.0) quiz/start-button.php (ver: ): /home/clients/b54d876209d23e3d0fcafd57d309feb6/sites/ (ver: )
Could you please create a staging site and turn off all plugins except LifterLMS to see if this issue occurs.
If it does, kindly let us know the host you use and you can ask them to exclude the URLs of these pages: it doesn’t, then you’ll need to figure out the plugin that’s causing the issue by reactivating it one after the other.
Let us know if this helps.
Since I haven’t heard back from you in a week I’m going to mark this thread as resolved. Don’t worry, if you have more questions or still need help just hit reply and let me know!
Have a great day!
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