• Hi,

    Installed the upgrade earlier, all went through ok and now running 2.0.3. However if I create a new post and then try to delete it I can’t. I get a message advising I don’t have permission to do that, but there is only one loging account. Whats more weird is if I edit the post I can then delete it…

    Any ideas?



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  • If you are getting a message telling you that you don’t have permission to do something, then it’s a permissions issue. WordPress has soles (administrator, editor, author, etc) and those roles have capabilities (edit_posts, edit_links, etc). If it says you can’t do something than your user must belong to a role that lacks the capability.

    You can try the Role Manager plugin to add the necessary capabilities to your user… assuming that your user can edit_users

    Some people have found that the force upgrade script I wrote fixes some permissions issues.

    Thanks Mark. I added the Role Manager plugin and it solved the problem. I’m now able to delete things I wasn’t before.

    And I just wanted to add that I’m the owner and sole admin and user on my wordpress. I was able to do everything before, but after the upgrade that’s when the “you don’t have permission” errors started even though my user profile said I was the admin. Thanks for your help!

    I am having this same problem.
    added the tune-up
    added the role manager
    still no luck

    I hav just installed a fresh installation of 2.03.
    So I didnt do the force-upgrade. should I try it anyways?

    Oh and I am admin, am the only user so I should be right.

    markjaquith: that force upgrade thing did the trick for me! woo, thanks! ??

    I first ran into this issue after upgrading from 2.0.x (either 2.0.1 or 2.0.2) to 2.0.4. All I had to do to solve this issue was delete the browser cookies from my site and www.ads-software.com, empty my browser cache, close the browser, relaunch and log back in to my wp-admin

    monfresh’s answer is what finally worked for me… though I had tried the forced upgrade, the tuneup and the role manager plugin.

    Thanks monfresh…

    My install of 2.0.3 was a new one via Fantastico on CPanel. I’m getting the same thing about not being able to delete posts.

    I’ve tried the Tune-Up plugin, the Role Manager plugin, deleting cookies etc as suggested by monfresh, and nothing works – I *still* can’t delete my own admin posts.

    There are no other users but me as Admin.

    I haven’t tried the forced upgrade as I didn’t upgrade – am I right in thinking it’s only for upgrades?

    Is there any other way around this problem? <tearing my hair out…>

    OK, I found a way to do it, not that it resolves it as such, but it’s a way. If I go to edit a post, I can delete it with success from within the post itself. I guess it’ll have to do for now till they find a fix ??

    I can confirm this is still happening, 2.1.2 upgrade from 2.1alpha3. Tried the force-upgrade, deleting cache and cookies, deactivated all plugins.

    stingray55’s discovery worked as well, however can not delete from the manage posts page.

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