• Resolved daliborm74


    Imam problem sa preslovljavanjem na sajtu. Sve sistemske re?enice se ne prevode na latinicu.
    Sajt je https://narucikafu.rs/
    Tema koju koristim je Astra Pro
    Sve sam opcije pokusao da promenim, ali i dalje imam problem

    Molim za pomo?

    Hvala unapred

    Informacije o otklanjanju gre?aka
    Indentifikacija dodatka	19s3p86n817rp88s8490rs0o17o9749459s328680r9s4sq7sr353n12so3q2739
    Verzija dodatka	1.7.8
    WordPress verzija	5.9.2
    Poslednje a?uriranje dodatka	2021-12-11 20:35:33
    PHP verzija	PHP 7.4.28
    Indentifikator PHP verzije	70428
    PHP arhitektura	64 bita
    WordPress otklanjanje gre?aka	Uga?eno
    WordPress multi sajt	Uga?eno
    WooCommerce je aktivan	Uklju?eno
    WooCommerce verzija	6.3.1
    Naslov sajta	Naru?i Kafu WebShop
    Slogan	Espresso kapsule Nespresso kompatibilne Dolce Gusto A Modo Mio Espresso kafa
    WordPress adresa (URL)	https://narucikafu.rs
    E-mail administratora	[email protected]
    Enkodiranje za stranice i hranioce (feeds)	UTF-8
    Tip sadr?aja	text/html
    Jezik sajta	sr_RS
    Vreme servera	Tue, 29 Mar 2022 16:12:53 +0000
    Putanja WordPress direktorijuma	/home/narucikafu/public_html/
    Operativni sistem	Linux 64 bita
    Korisni?ki agent	Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/99.0.4844.84 Safari/537.36
    Putanja direktorijuma dodataka	/home/narucikafu/public_html/wp-content/plugins/serbian-transliteration
    ["serbian-transliteration"] => 
    array (size=22)
      'site-script' => string 'cyr' (length=3)
      'transliteration-mode' => string 'cyr_to_lat' (length=10)
      'first-visit-mode' => string 'auto' (length=4)
      'language-scheme' => string 'sr_RS' (length=5)
      'mode' => string 'forced' (length=6)
      'exclude-latin-words' => string 'WordPress' (length=9)
      'exclude-cyrillic-words' => string '' (length=0)
      'cache-support' => string 'yes' (length=3)
      'force-widgets' => string 'yes' (length=3)
      'force-email-transliteration' => string 'yes' (length=3)
      'force-ajax-calls' => string 'no' (length=2)
      'avoid-admin' => string 'no' (length=2)
      'allow-cyrillic-usernames' => string 'no' (length=2)
      'media-transliteration' => string 'yes' (length=3)
      'media-delimiter' => string '-' (length=1)
      'enable-search' => string 'yes' (length=3)
      'fix-diacritics' => string 'yes' (length=3)
      'search-mode' => string 'auto' (length=4)
      'enable-alternate-links' => string 'yes' (length=3)
      'url-selector' => string 'rstr' (length=4)
      'enable-rss' => string 'no' (length=2)
      'enable-body-class' => string 'no' (length=2)

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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