• Resolved whimsical07


    Hello. I am writing you because I have a problem with my site. Indeed, in recent days, it is impossible to view the bills … When I press the button on ” WooCommerce ” and “commands” and I try to display an invoice, empty tab opens . So I tried to uninstall the extension ( plugin) for WordPress can replace them but said he could not completely remove the extension ( plugin) . Despite this, the extension no longer appeared so I installed it again but I still have the same problem …. Can you help me please ?


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  • Thread Starter whimsical07


    When in the parameters , I ask the plugin to indicate the error , I have the following message ( when I click the button to the bill appears) : “Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 83886080) (tried to allocate 12288 bytes) in /homepages/44/d555415071/htdocs/cosmopoliteclothing/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips/lib/dompdf/lib/class.pdf.php on line 4032”. Thanks…. ?? ??

    Plugin Contributor Ewout


    Hi! This error means that you don’t have enough memory available on your site. Here’s a few tips on finding out why and/or how to fix this:
    Solving memory issues

    Let me know if that helps!

    Thread Starter whimsical07


    Hello. Thank you very much for your quick response. Indeed , there was a memory problem (which appear in red in the plugin parameters ) . I just changed to make 128 m and besides, I well shows the change in the parameters for now it is green (and red). Despite this, problems persist … ?? ?? ??

    Plugin Contributor Ewout


    Did the number in the error change though? 83886080 = 80M. If you set the number to 128M but your actual limit (from your host/server) is 80M, this won’t make a difference.
    Did you try the other suggestions from my link?

    Let me know!

    Thread Starter whimsical07


    I look at this in detail and I’ll let you know. thank you very much

    Thread Starter whimsical07


    Hello. Decidedly, the bills now work , thank you ?? but I have other error messages that just appeared since I took this step …. The first is on the site’s home page as well on the administration page of WordPress up : ” notice: Undefined variable : in disable_admin /homepages/44/d555415071/htdocs/cosmopoliteclothing/wp-content/plugins/ga-google-analytics/ga-google-analytics.php on line 73 ”

    Thread Starter whimsical07


    For information , I also now error messages when I go on shopping pannier : ” Notice: Undefined index : in rate_type /homepages/44/d555415071/htdocs/cosmopoliteclothing/wp-content/plugins/envoimoinscher/includes/envoimoinscher_carrier.php on line 484 ”

    Thread Starter whimsical07


    By removing and installing the new Google analytics extension , I could solve the problem because the message no longer appears. For cons , I still have the error messages on the shopping cart to my website … Can you help me please ? Regards,

    Thread Starter whimsical07


    For information , I also now error messages when I go on shopping pannier : ” Notice: Undefined index : in rate_type /homepages/44/d555415071/htdocs/cosmopoliteclothing/wp-content/plugins/envoimoinscher/includes/envoimoinscher_carrier.php on line 484 ” //////// I did not have it before ! it is since I just installed the new GA Application

    Plugin Contributor Ewout


    None of these errors come from the PDF plugin – all of these are from other plugins and I cannot give support for those. I recomment that you contact the respective plugin authors and tell them about this error, and meanwhile turn off WP_DEBUG and/or the debug output setting in the PDF invoice plugin, so that the errors are not shown on the site.

    Hope that helps!

    Thread Starter whimsical07


    Hello. Okay thank you so much !! good continuation !!

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