• Whenever you remove a post from a category, the plugin has an issue. It looks like when you remove a post from the category, the custom field (“sort_xxx”, for example) remains. Therefore, the post still displays within the category on the front end. If you delete the Custom Field then all subsequent posts will not display. The only way I was able to get the ordering to remain the same and not have the category display was to change the Custom Field name to a category that is not displayed (for example “sort_0”). However, then if you add the post to a different category, the Custom Field does not update and you have to remember to change the name of the Custom Field to (“sort_”<- the category id of the new category).

    Steps to reproduce:
    1.) Order posts via the plugin
    2.) Go to post and remove (uncheck) category and update the post.
    3.) View the category page (post still displays) on the front-end
    4.) View the Custom Field within the Edit Post view.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.


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