• Hi guys I starting blog with wordpress and using mac osx.
    I got a problem here,

    If I start to write something, there has just few charactor there like “b” “i” “link” “b-quote” “code” “ol” “ul” “li”

    I got a friend using wordpress under windows xp but he has something could really let him understand…

    sorry for my poor english guys..

    really need help!


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  • I think you are trying to say that you don’t know how to turn on the visual editor in WordPress.


    1. Sign into your admin page.
    2. Click on “My Profile” in the upper right-hand corner.
    3. Under “Personal Options,” check the box that says, “Use the visual editor when writing.”

    Then, go try to write a post. Let us know if this works!

    Thank you VERY much!!! I am a new user to WordPress, started two different Blogsites in a few minutes each and I was amazed!!

    I couldn’t find the solution to this problem which I had on one of the blogs, but now it’s solved!!

    Personal blog: cyberplasma.com
    Professional blog: bvsenterprises.org

    Greetz from Belgium

    Awesome, cyberplasma. I’m glad it worked.

    frkstyle, did this resolve you issue? If so, please mark this topic as “resolved.”

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