Hi there,
Thanks for using our plugins.
I’ve checked your website, and it seems your theme overrides the button background style.
To fix the issue, add the following code snippet to your functions.php
function moove_extend_gdpr_styles( $styles, $primary, $secondary ) {
$styles .= '#moove_gdpr_cookie_info_bar .moove-gdpr-info-bar-container .moove-gdpr-info-bar-content a.mgbutton, #moove_gdpr_cookie_info_bar .moove-gdpr-info-bar-container .moove-gdpr-info-bar-content button.mgbutton { background: ' . $primary . ' }';
$styles .= '#moove_gdpr_cookie_modal .moove-gdpr-modal-content .moove-gdpr-modal-footer-content .moove-gdpr-button-holder a.mgbutton, #moove_gdpr_cookie_modal .moove-gdpr-modal-content .moove-gdpr-modal-footer-content .moove-gdpr-button-holder button.mgbutton { background: ' . $primary . ' }';
return $styles;
I hope this helps and fix the issue for you.