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  • Plugin Author betsyk


    Hi Nirzol,

    The plugin appears to be working correctly on your website everywhere except on your top level BuddyPress pages (Members, Groups, Forums, etc.). I suspect it could be the BP Template Pack setup. Did you assign pages for those components (Settings > BuddyPress > Pages)?

    Note, the template pack will be deprecated in BuddyPress 1.7:, so this problem may go away after you upgrade.

    – bk

    Thread Starter nirzol


    Thx for reply Betsyk.

    Yes plugin not work on specific page as you said.
    Yes I assign page in settings > buddypress > pages.

    Thx for information I saw it. So I have to wait 1.7. ?

    Hope we ll be easy to desactivate template pack and activate new system with 1.7 ^^

    Thx a lot Betsyk

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