• Resolved JoelTilly


    Hi, thank you for a great plugin.

    Unfortunately, i have an issue with the bulk smush it functionaliy aswell as the bulk smush functionality inside the plugin settings.

    I’ve tried using the bulk smush functionality in the plugin settings, but it stops at 470/5650 images.

    Now, since i’ve read on these forums that issues might occur when trying to smush to many images, i’ve tried using the bulk smush it functionality in the media library. When i try to bulk smush more than 1 image the site simply refresh and nothing happens.

    If i click the smush it now button on a specific image it works.

    So what i need to do is to smush all images in my media library, but i cannot use any bulk actions at the moment.


    Joel Tilly


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  • Plugin Support Predrag – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi Joel Tilly,

    Sorry to hear of the problem you are having.

    I have tested it on my test site using latest version of WP Smush.it plugin and found the bulk smush functionality in the plugin settings and in the media library are working fine.

    When you bulk smush the images in the media library then you should be redirected to the WP Smush.it settings page on the following path.

    Admin Area -> Media -> WP Smush.it

    Could you please enable the WP Smush.it debugging from the WP Smush.it settings from the above path and let me know the error message if you are getting any in the WP Smush.it Error log on the following path?

    Admin Area -> Media -> Error Log

    Are you using HTTPS protocol?
    What is your website host?

    This can be due to plugin/theme conflict on your site.

    You can just try on your development site using default WordPress theme like Twenty Fifteen and deactivating all other plugins as displayed in the following flowchart to know which theme/plugin is conflicting if any.


    Best Regards,
    Vinod Dalvi



    I’m experiencing the same exact thing, though I’m only trying to smush 51 images. It got to 30 just fine, then timed out. I increased the API timeout and now it just does one at a time and times out. Here is my debug report:


    Also, having a similar issue. Just add this plugin, activated it, and I can not access the settings page from the Admin Dashboard. Not sure why that would matter.

    The site is https://www.thecentsableshoppin.com and yes there are a bagillion images but not sure why this would affect seeing the settings page. Is there another way to run and get the debug besides from the dashboard?

    Yes the bulk ‘Smush It’ appears to be randomly stalling / hanging…

    I’m attempting to smush 1700 images and have tried multiple times. Sometimes it stalls on the same image, other times it gets farther.

    I also tried bulk smushing 100 at a time through the Media Library – it still would hang randomly… Though a couple times it has completed 100 images successfully.

    Here is output from the log:

    Home URL: https://example.com
    Return from API:
    error=No savings

    It seems like it will eventually work doing 100 or 250 at a time and finding / attempting to skip over whichever particular image is causing the hangup but it will be tedious…

    We’ve released a major rewrite of the plugin, should solve any issues. Give it a try!

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