donncha: No, I meant that differently.
Imagine a blog with no cache. I am a browser with a wordpressuser or even a comment_author cookie. I send a request to the blog. There is no cache file, so it runs some PHP and generates me a page.
Now, because I sent that cookie, that generated page knows who I am and possibly puts my name on the page. Will this page be stored in the supercache? It shouldn’t be. The supercache should be saying to itself “Hey, this user has an identity. I’d better not supercache this generated page content.”
Where’s the code that does that logic? Because if it’s not there, then I can see how this is happening. When a user comments on a post, the cache for that post is cleared/expired. Therefore the next load of that page, showing that users comment, will have the user’s information on it because the user now has an identity. Even with the .htaccess rules, the page will be regenerated because the act of making the comment expired the cached content. Sure, *that* user will pull from the wp-cache. But the supercache still got saved, yesno?