• hello,

    i have a site with wordpress 3.0.1 version on it.
    i’ve used the on_sent_ok on Contact Form 7 (inside the additional settings) to redirect to a thank you page after sending the information on the form.
    however, the on_sent_ok function doesn’t work.

    i’ve searched the internet for long time, and found out only 1 location that showed some hope:

    which, suggested that the wordpress version have some bug related to that (wordpress 3 version on that link), and they offered to install a dev-version of CF7.

    but that dev-version of CF7 does not work for wordpress 3.0.1.
    i’ve checked the on_sent_ok on other site that has wordpress 2.9.2 (on same hosting) with CF7 2.2 version, and it works just fine.

    i haven’t checked yet if it will work on wordpress 3 with the dev version of CF7, for now if i need that option i’ll use WP 2.9.2, unfortunately.

    if anyone has any idea or solution, so i’ll be able to use on_sent_ok on wordpress 3.0.1 – i’ll really appreciate it.

    thanks a lot in advance,

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  • Current version of Contact Form 7 (v2.3.1) works with WordPress 3.0.x. Current development version does, too.

    Have you already read this instruction? This also explains why it does not work and how you can fix it.

    Redirecting to Another URL After Submissions

    Jim Camomile


    I’m having the same problem with the form not redirecting. I have checked the AJAX functionality and everything seems fine but the form will not redirect using the “on on_sent_ok .. function in WP 3.01. It’s a great plugin otherwise and usually I don’t need to make it redirect to another page.

    I am using contact form 7 version 2.4.5 with wordpress version 3.1.3. on setting on_sent_ok in additional setting , it does not working for me , moreover I checked for wp_footer() in current themes footer.php and I also tried to redirect the user from java script file present in contact form 7 folder under this block
    if (1 == data.mailSent) { }

    I also check it by deactivating all other plugin except the contact form 7 but that didn’t get the task done.

    can any one suggest me what else I need to do now. This plugin version 2.4.5 is compatible with wordpress 3.1.3 I am sure about it

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