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  • I’m trying to display the content as well and not having any luck. I’m using [catlist name=cougar post-type=all content=yes] which is displaying a list of all my cougar category posts,but it won’t display any content. I’ve tried excerpt as well and it doesn’t work either.

    Any help appreciated!

    Thread Starter velseenu


    Hi kimbolini,,,
    try this plugin ,,,,”posts for page”
    and use this short-code,,,,

    [posts-for-page cat_slug=’your category slug name’ hide_images=’false’ num=’50’ read_more=’Read More ?’ show_full_posts=’false’ use_wp_excerpt=’true’ strip_html=’true’ hide_post_content=’false’ show_meta=’true’]

    Thank you so much velseenu, that worked beautifully.

    Kimbolini, it looks like you and Velseenu found a workaround by using another plugin, but for anyone else who sees this thread and wants an answer, here’s my proposed solution:

    Remove the content=yes option, and instead add excerpt=yes (and optionally, excerpt_overwrite=yes).

    So you would end up with something like this:

    [catlist name=cougar post-type=all excerpt=yes excerpt_overwrite=yes]

    (FYI, I’m not the plugin developer, just someone trying to be helpful. ?? )

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