• dondegagne


    Hi, I am running WordPress, with Boldgrid and the premium Crio theme with an InMotion Power Plan Hosting platform. I am having these problems…

    1. The Customizer does not always update the live preview or my home page website. Particularly related to my custom header and menu.
    2. I change the menu on my custom header and the custom header on the Customizer and the website doesn’t change.
    3. Nothing I do allows me to get the result I want.
    4. It seems the menu that I first used with my custom header is entrenched and won’t change. It shows on live view but, not the website.
    5. My custom header in Customizer does not display my tagline in live view but it does show up on the website
    6. I change to a different header in Customizer but, nothing changes on my website.
    7. I deleted all menus and items and now only have the one but, it does not show up on my website….just the original entrenched one shows.

    I tried deactivation and reactivating Crio and no change. I have cleared all caches including browser cache and no change.

    If I deleted the Crio theme and then reinstalled it would I lose all my work or will it propagate from my database again?

    I am at a loss….spent hours trying different things with no luck. What can I do?



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  • brandonco


    Hi Don, thanks for reaching out although I’m sorry to hear your Crio custom page headers are giving you a hard time.

    Custom headers work a bit differently than the pre generated headers in the WP customizer. Since you’re using a custom header you’ll need to select the header you want to modify in the Crio custom header editor.

    To find your header navigate from your WordPress Dashboard to the Crio > Page Headers tab and select your page header here, You’ll have the ability to modify your header elements from this editor.

    Your custom header is likely set to display globally and that would explain why it still shows even when you select and new header in the customizer. You can change this setting from your WordPress Customizer. Design < Headers < Site Header Layout < Header Templates < Global Page Header.

    As far as deactivating/deleting Crio I don’t think that’s really necessary. It would save most or your settings in the database but I’m not sure it would resolve your issue.

    I hope this helps Don, please let us know if you have any other question for us.

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