Just a query.
Why are you using <div>blah blah </div> instead of
blah blah
in your article content?
You have:
<div class=”post-content”>
<div>Hello and I’m glad you have found the The Amador Observer.</div>
<div>So what is this site all about?</div>
<div>This site is intended to be both an ”Internet Newspaper” and a “Forum”. It is also intended to air the thoughts and opinions of the residents of Amador County in regards to some of the many issues facing us today. The primary theme you will see discussed on this site is growth, but this is not the exclusive subject matter by any means.</div>
<div>This site will be your opportunity to share your views, information and opinion.</div>
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<div>This county is facing a crossroads. We haven’t succumbed to rampant development … yet.</div>
<div>However, the developers have “discovered” our area and the number of proposed retail and housing projects are astonishing.</div>
<div>Everyone, and I do mean everyone, that I talk to is greatly distressed by what is happening in our area and what is being proposed. It is unfortunate that the prevailing attitude is one of resigned hopelessness. The feeling of ”…what can I do…?”</div>
<div>Do we just allow a handful of local politicians, bureaucrats and developers to call the shots?</div>
<div>If you want to see the results of this approach, take a look at Placerville, Folsom, Sonora and just about any once-small town that has become almost unliveable.</div>
<div>This will be us if we do not speak up and let the Planning Commission, Supervisors and City Councils know your thoughts. This site just may be the place to start.</div>
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<div>Please bear with us during this new “start up” period. Feel free to email me with any goofy links or info you may find.</div>
curious minds just wanna know ??