• Resolved authenticantioch


    ATTN: Nick. This report is a refinement of a problem I reported yesterday in another thread. I discovered a little more about the problem. It can be recreated, at least on my site.

    Google offers a list of “Interesting Calendars” that can be merged with a user’s Google calendar.

    Using 2.4.0, I merged my site’s calendar with the Google “Holidays and Observances in United States” calendar with no issues.

    Calendar ID: en.usa#[email protected]

    With Simple Calendar 3.0.x, there is a problem in the grid configuration when a user calendar is grouped with the Google USA holiday calendar.

    Although my user events appear on the correct day in the grid, when I hover over an event, the date and time in the pop-up appears in UTC. For example:

    I have an event (Park Commission Meeting) on December 23 from 7:00-8:00pm CST (-6 UTC, Chicago time). If I create a Simple Calendar in 3.0.x with only MY calendar, the popup when I hover over the event shows the correct date and time.

    If I create a Simple Calendar 3.0.x GROUPED calendar with my calendar AND the Google “Holidays and Observances in United States” calendar, however, although the Park Commission Meeting event still appears on December 23 on the grid, when I hover over the event the grouped calendar popup shows the meeting taking place at 1:00-2:00am on December 24! This happens to be the UTC date/time for the event.

    In other words, the Google “Interesting” calendar appears to be set to a default timezone of UTC and it is overriding the timezone I have set in Google calendar and in WordPress.

    I have had to stop using my Simple Calendar in 3.0.x grouped calendar because of this issue.

    My WordPress site is https://authenticantioch.com/calendar-2/ but you’ll only see the calendar with the correct date/time in the popups, not grouped with the Google holiday calendar.


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  • Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    You can set the timezone of your grouped calendar to the same as your site timezone. Does that maybe fix this issue?

    Thread Starter authenticantioch


    I tried the Grouped calendar and had the timezone set to Events Source Default. The times are still in UTC, the New Year’s Day hover-over pop-up says that New Year’s Day begins at 6:00am and ends at 5:59am on January 3rd. This has the affect of adding six hours to the correct time of my timezone which is -6 UTC.

    If I change the Simple Calendar timezone to Site Default (America/Chicago), the event times appear correct BUT Dec. 31 is showing both New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day as events and nothing at all appears on New Year’s Day.

    If I change back to my calendar only and don’t use the Google holiday calendar, the December holidays appear but New Year’s Day is blank.

    The Google calendar itself displays everything OK.

    Also, not to complicate things, but I mentioned several times yesterday that I have a five-day, all-day event in my Google calendar on 12/28 through 1/1. It appears OK on 12/28-12/31 but, depending on the time zone I use in Simple Calendar, it may or may not appear on New Year’s Day or Jan. 2nd or both. Even using my calendar alone, the fifth day of this event does not appear on New Year’s Day but appears on Jan. 2nd.

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    Ok thanks for all the extra info here. Will be using this as a guide to test this out and narrow down the issue. Thanks!

    Thread Starter authenticantioch


    Hi, Nick. I upgraded to 3.0.3 but I am still having the same issues.

    If I create a grouped calendar with the Google USA Holidays calendar as one o f the calendars, all of the event times when I hover over an event are defaulting to UTC instead of my Google calendar/Wordpress default time of USA-Central/CST/Chicago time zone.

    I am going to have to abandon use of the grouped calendar and manually enter holidays in my one single calendar.

    Also, if I use my calendar alone, the five-day, all-day event that I have mentioned to you before still does not appear correctly. The event in question runs from Monday, Dec. 28 through Friday, Jan. 1. Five consecutive all-day events created with a single entry and appearing correctly in the Google calendar interface.

    Using Simple Calendar 3.0.3, the four days in December appear OK but if I go to January, the final day of the event appears on Saturday, not Friday. This is the same behavior that occurred before the recent updates.

    Thread Starter authenticantioch


    One more thing, Nick.

    The above problem might have something to do with how Google Calendar and Simple Calendar handle the precise time of 12:00am.

    I created an all-day event in Google calendar for January 1, 2016 and cleared the cache. It does not appear in Simple Calendar 3.0.3.

    I then changed the time of that event to 12:00am-11:59pm on 1//1/2016 and cleared the cache. It still did not appear in Simple Calendar.

    I then changed the time to 12:01am-11:59pm, cleared the cache, and NOW it appears in Simple Calendar on 1/1/2016.

    I’m deducing the problem may have to do with midnight. Google might consider midnight to be the current day and Simple Calendar considers midnight to be the next day?

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    Does this change if you change the timezone of your calendar to “Site Default” or “Custom” instead of using the default “Event Source”?

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    Assuming this has been resolved since there has not been a reply here. Let us know if you have any other questions.


    Thread Starter authenticantioch


    I hard-coded calendar changes in Google to “force” WP Calendar to work. Though I’ve had the latest version of WP Calendar, I haven’t “uncoded” the Google calendar. I will test out the new version as new all-day events occur.

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