• Hi there, would appreciate your help with this matter. Website looks good on desktop, on mobile and on Ipad Pro (12.9 inch) in portrait mode but in landscape mode images don’t show normally- they are completely blown up and only a big blurry part of each one of them is displayed – things return to normal once the iapd is turned around.. I’m using


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • HI,

    Please share the snapshot of the issue which you are facing.

    and are you facing this issue on the home page or any other page?

    Thread Starter graphicbreadch


    Hi there the problem is only on Ipad Pro 12.9″…it is for all IMAGES (only – text is fine) on ALL PAGES. NOt able to send you a print screen here…how can I send? I also tried inserting the following CSS values but not working.

    /* ———– iPad Pro 12.9″ ———– */

    /* Portrait and Landscape */
    @media only screen
    and (min-device-width: 1024px)
    and (max-device-width: 1366px)
    and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {




    Please share the snapshots here https://imgbb.com/

    Thread Starter graphicbreadch


    Thank you for your message but I resolved the issue. Best Regards

    Glad to hear that the issue has been fixed!

    hi @graphicbreadch I have the same problem, may I know how you solved it? I use elementor and Astra

    Thread Starter graphicbreadch


    Hi there, basically you must think of ipad pro as though it’s desktop so whatever is showing on desktop is also showing on ipad pro. What you edit in tablet responsive view will show on smaller ipads and tablets.
    As for the hero image, i took an image from the models in the library (the one with the palm tree). I saved it on my desktop version only, then checked how it looked on ipad pro and saw that it worked well so then i just changed the pic and used that as a model throughout the site. Try it out and let me know if you have problems!

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