• When this plugin is active, the use of jQuery dialog by other plugins is no longer possible at the backend.

    Example: Plugin https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-photo-album-plus/ uses jQuery dialog for shortcode generators to generate customized shortcodes. When Enhanced Media Library
    is installed, these dialogs no longer work.

    A plugin should never ‘globally’ modify the behaviour of components that may also be used by others.

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  • Plugin Author webbistro



    Hi, thanks for informing me. Actually, EML does not globally modify jQuery dialog behavior, it uses it solely for creating its custom dialog popups like your plugin does. I tested plugins together and found out that removing wp_enqueue_style ( 'wp-jquery-ui-dialog' ); from the admin_enqueue_scripts action solved the issue. The line was added many years ago and all this time worked well. I will check this more carefully and release an update soon.


    Thread Starter Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Thank you!

    Plugin Author webbistro



    Hi again! I looked deeper into the issue and found out that:

    (1) WP offers a special CSS for jQuery Dialog which I use in EML.

    (2) Your plugin is incompatible with this CSS (it’s a z-index issue with the .ui-dialog block and .ui-widget-overlay block). So I can add a special compatibility workaround to EML but in case any other plugin enqueues wp-jquery-ui-dialog CSS for the admin, you’ll run into the same issue with it.

    To make sure I deactivated EML at all, then added this code to my theme’s function.php

    add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'twtw_admin_enqueue_scripts' );
    function twtw_admin_enqueue_scripts() {
    	wp_enqueue_style ( 'wp-jquery-ui-dialog' );

    And it’s broken your dialog popup as well.

    I haven’t found where exactly you set the z-index for your .ui-dialog. I found that myself I previously (years ago) added the style

    .eml-dialog-modal {
        /*z-index: 300000 !important;*/

    I have commented it out for now, as you can see, and all works seemingly well. So, when wp-jquery-ui-dialog is enqueued it sorts it out for me these days. Though I need to do more tests.

    Resume: this looks like your plugin needs some update too ??


    Thread Starter Jacob N. Breetvelt


    I set the css for the jquery dialog in its activation only; i think that this is the proper way.
    Example from wp-photo-album-plus/js/wppa-tinymce-shortcodes.js:

    // Add the wppa button to the mce editor
    tinymce.PluginManager.add('wppagallery', function(editor, url) {
    		function openWppaShortcodeGenerator() {
    			var opt = {
    						modal:		true,
    						resizable: 	true,
    						width:		720,
    						show: 		{
    										effect: 	"fadeIn",
    										duration: 	400
    						closeText: 	"",
    						close: 		function(event,ui) {
    						open: 		function(event,ui) {
    			jQuery( "#wppagallery-form" ).dialog(opt).dialog( "open" );
    			jQuery( '.ui-widget-header' ).css( {
    											background:			'none',
    			jQuery( '.ui-dialog' ).css( {
    											boxShadow: 			'0px 0px 5px 5px #aaaaaa',
    											borderRadius: 		wppaBoxRadius+'px',
    											padding: 			'8px',
    											backgroundColor: 	wppaModalBgColor,
    											boxSizing: 			'content-box',
    											zIndex: 			100000,
    			jQuery( '.ui-dialog-titlebar' ).css( {
    													lineHeight: '0px',
    													height: 	'24px',
    													fontSize: 	'18px',
    													fontWeight: 'bold',
    			jQuery( '.ui-dialog-title' ).css( {
    													position: 	'absolute',
    													top: 		'15px',
    													fontSize: 	'18px',
    													fontWeight: 'bold',
    			jQuery( '.ui-button' ).css(	{
    											backgroundImage: 	wppaModalQuitImg,
    											padding:			0,
    											position: 			'absolute',
    											right: 				'8px',
    											top: 				'20px',
    											width: 				'16px',
    											height: 			'16px',
    			jQuery( '.ui-widget-overlay' ).css( {
    													background:	'none',
    			jQuery( '.ui-button' ).attr( 'title', 'Close' );
    			jQuery( '.ui-icon-closethick' ).css( {
    											display: 			'none',

    So this css only works when my dialog is active

    Plugin Author webbistro



    I meant that EML is not a culprit of the problem. If anyone enqueues wp-jquery-ui-dialog CSS, which is a part of the WP core (/wp-includes/css/jquery-ui-dialog.css), for admin pages including those where your plugin enqueues its CSS, then it will lead to a problem with your plugin.


    Thread Starter Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Yes, unfortunately you will be right. I am not glad with wp forcing me to this css depending of whether its used or not by someone else. If it would be loaded always, i could have been able to fix this many years ago.

    When i specify the css as how it should be done according to the jquery documentation, i expect it to work.

    In any case, its not your problem, and i thank you for giving me the insight into this.
    I will dig into.

    Case closed

    Plugin Author webbistro



    Well, actually the simplest fix might be just setting z-index: 300000; instead of 100000, since in /wp-includes/css/jquery-ui-dialog.css .ui-widget-overlay has z-index: 100101;.


    Thread Starter Jacob N. Breetvelt


    FYI: From the changelog wppa 8.0.5:

    WPPA now uses wp-jquery-ui-dialog css file, and code has been changed to be compatible with it, to avoid conflicts with other plugins that use it also.

    Plugin Author webbistro



    Cool! Thanks for letting me know.


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